Cara Lockwood is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales. Cara is the author of the Bard Academy Series which includes the titles: Wuthering High, The Scarlet Letterman and Moby Clique. Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered in the Monthly Contest.
What were you like as a teen?

I was what I call a "lit nerd" - someone who couldn't get enough of English class. I loved to read anything and everything. I loved Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte. "Tale of Two Cities" and "Pride and Prejudice" are still two of my favorite books.
Did it have any influence over your characters in the Bard Academy series?
Those adolescent years definitely influenced the Bard Academy series. I can't tell you the number of times I wondered what it would be like if a fictional character came to life. I often got so swept up in books that I imagined what it would be like to be in them. Bard Academy was my way of bringing some of my favorite characters to life. It's like my dream school, really.
Who is your favorite character of the series to write and why?
Heathcliff, hands down. I've always had a soft spot for Heathcliff. In Wuthering Heights, he's an abused orphan who against all odds makes a name for himself. He's tough and tenacious, and above all, has a clear understanding of his feelings for Catherine. Of course, in that novel, he's also primarily a villian. After he has his heart broken, he seeks revenge on pretty much everybody around him, whether they were cupable or not. You could argue that he's just essentially a bad person, but I always felt that his broken heart made him vindictive and mean. In Bard Academy, he hasn't yet had his heart broken. He still has hope for love, and because of that, the purer, better parts of his nature come through. I'm sure if Charlotte Bronte were alive she would take issue with my interpretation of Heathcliff, but I like the idea of giving him a second chance. At Bard Academy, he's got a chance for redemption.
Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I've always wanted to be a writer. I think that comes from the fact that I've always loved to read. Writing is just a natural extension of that.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Jane Austen and Charles Dickens are still among my favorites. But, I have many more. I really admire Stephenie Meyer. She has an amazing ability to write epic, and yet believable, love stories. The Twilight series is going to be a classic. Emily Franken is a great writer and a good friend. I love her "Book of Love" series.
Any advice for aspiring writers out there?
Just keep writing and don't give up. Something like one in seven people out there want to be novelists, but most of them never finish. I probably started and stopped a dozen stories before finishing my first novel.
You do have a published adult novels, what don’t you or do you like about writing for young adults?

I like writing about the teen years much more than I liked living them! But I really do love writing for young adults. I have to say, they are the best fans. I get the absolute best emails from them.
Do you have any plans to continue writing books for the Bard Academy series?
I'd love to write a fourth book in the series, but that all depends on MTV Books. Bard has a loyal (but small!) following, and sales haven't been quite what MTV hoped for. In brighter news, Wuthering High was optioned for a movie, so *maybe* it'll be a movie some day! Keep your fingers crossed.
Do you see yourself branching out to any other genres? (Historical fiction, fantasy, Maybe something with unicorns!!)
I love unicorns! But, we'll have to see. My next book is one for adults. It has a paranormal bent (a comic take on the would-be making of the antichrist complete with demons who act more like disgruntled middle-managers). It's called "Every Demon Has His Day" and it'll hit book stores in April. After that, I'm not sure. We'll see!
Do you have any television shows you watch obsessively or an all time favorite movie?

I have tons of shows and movies I love! I'm currently obsessed with "Heroes," "Grey's Anatomy" and "Psych" (this show has the best dialogue ever). As for movies, I think my all-time favorite might be "The Royal Tenenbaums." I love Wes Anderson.
What are you currently reading?
I just finished "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer. I know a lot of fans were disappointed, but I have to say that after letting the story sit with me for a few days, I really think she couldn't have ended the series better. I'm now reading "When You're Engulfed in Flames" by David Sedaris. He makes my stomach hurt from laughing so hard.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Just many thanks for the interview, and happy reading to everyone out there!
You can find more information about Cara and The Bard Academy Series at the following links:
Bard Academy site: