Okay, so I just got back from the midnight showing of TWILIGHT!!!! It’s just after 2:30 and I’m ready for bed so this will be brief. It’s been a long night. Chelcea and I hit Steak’n’Shake up at about 8:00 and were out of there by 8:45, so of course we had to hit up Starbucks to get our caffeine high going. Hung out there for a half an hour or so and then we headed over to the theater at about 9:30. We were numbers 9 & 10 in line! Very exciting. Waiting in line was very boring, but fortunately I was able to finish Vidalia in Paris and meet some other cool fans. I can’t believe I forgot my camera... anyway to the movie!
Let’s answer the one question everyone is thinking... “Was it as good as the book?” Answer: No. Did you expect it to be. I know that I didn’t. Movies are rarely better than their written counterparts. But did I enjoy it? OF COURSE I DID! And I think fans of the book will be fans of the movie, despite obvious differences in the plot. It’s definitely something that people who haven’t read the books can enjoy too. I laughed A LOT! It was funnier than I thought it would be... It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was really good! I was so excited that I finally got to see the story come to life! I can’t wait to hear what you guys think!
And how about them humans, they’re darn funny weren’t they! “What up, Arizona!”
I’ll be seeing the movie again later on today, actually at the 9:55 pm showing. Chelcea and I are going to see it again along with our other sister Laci and some friends. I’ll try to remember my camera this time. I think I like the soundtrack better now that I’ve seen the movie... anyone else feel that way?