The YA Connection is a collaborative column collected by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group. Also, Kristi and Steph hold weekly contests accompanying the column, as well as a book and author spotlight.
If you're a blogger, author or publicist looking to have your links added, please email me. Any book donations for giveaways are also greatly appreciated. Please note that the spotlights are not up to suggestion, but rather decided by both Kristi and Steph.
Don't forget to head over to Steph's blog Reviewerr X and sign up for this weeks contest. The secret word this week is Palais Garnier. For all the information on how to enter head over to Reviewer X!
YA Connection Week of November 8-14, 2008
(Compiled by Steph)
Elizabeth Scott is giving away a copy of Take Me There by Susane Colasanti.

Book-Luver Carol is giving away a copy of My So-Called Family by Courtney Sheinmel.
Book Chic is giving away an ARC of In Too Deep by Jennifer Banash as well as a personalized letter from one of the characters in the book!
Melissa Walker is giving away a copy of Bloom by Elizabeth Scott!

Presenting Lenore is giving away five copies of Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway. (Book rocks, people.)
Author Musings
(Compiled by Steph)
Sarah Hantz (The Second Virginity of Suzy Green) asks where do authors come up with all these ideas for a million more books when she usually only has one or two.
Jennifer Hubbard (Black Mountain Road) talks about the subject of death (and honesty) in YA lit.

Jennifer Echols (Going Too Far) has a prime example of why it's important to never, ever throw any of your ideas away...
Scott Westerfeld (Extras) shares his books' French-version experience.

Meg Cabot (Airhead) recommends Neil Gaiman and also sets straight a bunch of false rumors floundering about the internet.
Jackson Pearce (As You Wish) sold two more books, this time to Little, Brown!
Diana Peterfreund (Rampant) talks about her characters and their names.
The 2009 Debs on their first rejection ever.
Maureen Johnson (Suite Scarlett) posts with her usual unfailing humor about why unicorns are bullshit. Personally? I like unicorns. But I blame it entirely on Diana Peterfreund because Rampant sounds awesome.

Kristina Springer (The Espressologist) shares her cover!
Looks like Mandy Hubbard (Prada and Prejudice) had a nice trip down Memory Lane... Just as a side note, Mandy's blog is one of my favorites. She made a great impression on me with her candor regarding her publishing journey, and her posts are always very fresh. Publishing hasn't fazed her yet!
Author Spotlight

Mandy Hubbard
Favorite Books: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Devilish by Maureen Johnson, Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker, True Confessions of Charlotte Doyl by Avi, Hatchet by Gary Paulson, Z for Zachariah
Favorite Bit of Writing Advice: Never give up. There will be rejections, there will be naysayers, but if you believe in it, and you're in it for the long haul, it'll happen for you.
Random Info About Me: I'm 25. I grew up on a dairy. I'm married and have a 13 month old daughter. I wore my first pair of heels at 16 years old for Homecoming and didnt wear another pair until i was 22. I once ran for County Dairy Princess and scored runner up. I'm allergic to cows. I didn't start writing until I was 21.
See more of her bio from 2009 Debutantes.
Blogger Blurbs
(Compiled by Kristi)
There were a lot of negative reviews this week. Must be something in the water!
Gabbi of All Five Stars reviewed Top 8 by Kate Finn. "I think that Katie Finn should continue writing, because she obviously has some talent, but buying another book from her will be a hard sell for me."

The Book Chic reviewed Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer. "Fischer's prose and characterization of Allee and the people surrounding her are extremely well-written and realistic."
The Bookworm of Au Courant reviewed Beautiful Americans by Lucy Silag. "The idea of a book about teens going to school in a foreign country, where they have to adapt to their new environment and customs, and fall in love at the same time intrigued me." The Bookworm also has a new rating established that rates the content within the novel.
Maggie of Bean Bag Books reviewed Read My Lips by Teri Brown. "This book is a good example of a stereotypical Young Adult book for teenage girls-which I am not a fan of."
Carol of Bookluver-Carol's Reviews reviewed The Funeral Director's Son by Coleen Murtagh Paratore and How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier.

Em of Em's Bookshelf reviewed The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, The Crimson Thread by Suzanne Weyn, and Masterpiece by Elise Broach.
Harmony of Harmony Book Reviews reviewed Artichoke’s Heart by Suzanne Supplee and Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle

Kelsey of Just Blinded Book Reviews reviewed Wake by Lisa McMann, Bliss by Lauren Myracle, and The Truth: I'm a Girl, I'm Smart, and I Know Everything by Barbara Becker Holstein.
Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf reviewed Black Box by Julie Schumacher. "Julie Schumacher delivered a view of depression that wasn't to overly dramatized like in most books."
Alea of Pop Culture Junkie has a Lookalikes post and a Hardcover vs. Paperback post!

Lenore of Presenting Lenore reviewed The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman. "Not that I’m not all for preserving our environment, but this novel asks at what cost? And the answers are chilling."
Reader Rabbit reviewed Must Love Black by Kelly McClymer. "Actually, this book was so shallow, I don't think I can even say much more about it. There's nothing to discuss."
Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane reviewed The Blonde of the Joke by Bennett Madison. "This read is deep, strong, and original. Madison put strong thoughts and feelings in his writing, and we gotta give him extra credit for writing from a girl's P.O.V. so amazingly."

Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag reviewed Chasing Windmills by Catherine Ryan Hyde. "Chasing Windmills is a great novel, that I highly enjoyed. It gives you a lot to think about, such as why people are they way they are, why people tend to leave the ones they love, and why despite all this, everyone can survive."
Megan from Simply Books reviewed The Way He Lived by Emily Wing Smith. "I was not impressed by this book at all. Since the novel has the point-of-view of six different teenagers, and each teenager takes turns narrating, the novel was choppy and unorganized."
Taren of The Chick Manifesto reviewed Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz. "To describe Blue Bloods in a sentence I would say that it's like Gossip Girl meets Twilight meets VC Andrews meets the Mayflower."
Speaking of The Chick Manifesto... do you remember that other chick Amee? Well she has a new blog! Bookity Book Books!

Chelsea of The Page Flipper reviewed In Too Deep by Jennifer Banash and Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith.
Nicole of Word for Teens reviewed Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine and My Bonny Light Horseman by L.A. Meyer.
Holly of Writer's Block Reviews reviewed How Not to be Popular by Jennifer Ziegler and Popular Vote by Micol Ostow.

Elaina of Reading Mania reviewed Undone by Brooke Taylor, Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs, and Evernight by Claudia Grey.
(Compiled by Kristi)
Bookworm of Bookworm Readers interviewed Christine Hurley Deriso author of Talia Talk.
Liv of Liv's Book Reviews interviewed Lauren Myracle author of Bliss.
Mrs. Magoo Reads interviewed Alexa Young author of Frenemies.
My Favorite Author interviewed Kurtis Scaletta debut author of Mudville.
The Book Muncher interviewed Barbara Becker Holstien author of The Truth (I'm a Girl, I'm Smart and I Know Everything).
Our Reviews
Kristi: Revelations: A Blue Bloods Novel be Melissa de la Cruz and Girls Inc. Presents: You’re Amazing! A No-Pressure Guide to Being Your Best Self by Claire Mysko.
Steph: I Know It's Over by CK Kelly Martin and Vegan Virgin Valentine by Carolyn Mackler.
Book Spotlight

Willow by Julia Hoban
"Seven monthS ago, on a rainy March night, Willow’s parents drank too much wine at dinner and asked her to drive them home. But they never made it—Willow lost control of the car, and both of her parents were killed.
Now seventeen, Willow is living with her older brother, who can barely speak
to her. She has left behind her old home, friends, and school. But Willow has found a way to survive, to numb the new reality of her life: She is secretly cutting herself.
And then she meets Guy, a boy as sensitive and complicated as she is. When Guy discovers Willow’s secret, he pulls her out of the solitary world she’s created for
herself, and into a difficult, intense, and potentially life-changing relationship.
Julia Hoban has created an unflinching story about cutting, grieving, and starting
anew. But above all, she has written an unforgettable tale of first love."
Visitors: Week of November 8-14, 2008
Thank you so much everyone for taking the time and leaving a comment on my blog! I get so excited every time I see one! I just want you to know that I really appreciate your support and that you continue to make my work at The Story feel appreciated. THANK YOU!
I wanted to say a special thanks to those that are following my blog! I have 76! WOW! Even I can't believe it!
I also want to send out a huge thanks to everyone who stopped by in the month of October! I hit a record last month with 11,344 page views!!! I can't thank you enough! I truly appreciate it!
Book Chic
The Book Muncher
Lenore of Presenting Lenore.
Reader Rabbit
Speed Reader of My Favorite Author.
Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.
DejahView of Dejah View Book Review.
Jennifer Banash author of The Elite.
Diana Dang of Stop, Drop and Read.
Book~Adorer of Book~Adorer Forever Reading.
Just Listen of Just Listen Book Reviews.
Diana Peterfreund author of The Secret Society Girls series.
Linda Gerber author of Death by Latte.
Sarahbear9789 of Sarah's random musings.
Wendy of Seriously?
Marianne Mancusi author of Gamer Girl.
Melissa Walker author of the Violet series.
Meredith of Meredith's Musings.
Amee of Bookity Book Books.
Carol of Bookluver-Carol Reviews.
Margay of Novel Sisterhood.
Bookgeek of thebookbind.
Marley Gibson author of Sorority 101.
Chelsie of Read, Read, Read.
Sarah MacLean author of The Season.
Cyndi of The Moon Maiden.
Shooting Stars Mag
Chick Lit Teens
Emily of that one girl emily.
Khyrinthia of Frenetic Reader.
okie of cucullus non facit monachum.
YA Book Club
Zoealea of Zoe's Book Reviews.
Pikealicious of PikeAlicious Books.
Amanda of That Teen Can Blog!
Saundra Mitchell author of Shadowed Summer.
The Book Spot
stargirlreads of Books Make Great Lovers!
Mrs. Magoo
Harmony's Book Reviews
Alyssa of The Shady Glade.
Kelsey of Reading Keep You Sane.
TruBlu93 of Starry Night.
Liviania of In Bed with Books.
Fyrefly of Fyrefly’s Book Blog.
sharonanne of Sharon Loves Books and Cats.
shzainzy of My Thoughts.
Shalonda of Shalonda's Blog.
Jen Robinson of Jen Robinson's Book Page.
Brittney Tabel, Yan, Tracy, xtraliciousssx, Carmen T, Rebekah E., Sara, WannabeWriter, Book Fanatic 101, Evie S., tetewa, GirlwiththeBraids, Christy, Valeria, towerofbooks, and rocketgirl2012.
In other news
Don't forget to bid at the First Book Auction organized by Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag and Chelsea of The Page Flipper. Remember all the proceeds go to First Book!

Remember to help the book industry and BUY A BOOK, check out this post at Editorial Ass!
I launched another blog design for Siren Design Studio! It was for That One Girl Emily. Check it out!
The Twilight Movie is less than a week away!! Anyone else excited!? Are you goint to go see it?
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!