I was tagged by Kelsey of Just Blinded Book Reviews to share some of my goals for 2009...
1.) Work out. Not so much as to loose weight, but to be more healthy. I used to work out everyday and I felt so much better. I had energy! I want that back. My job isn't physically demanding and let's face it when I'm home I do a lot of sitting on my ass. I even have exercise equipment in my home! I just need to use it.
2.) I want to comment more on other blogs. I am a lurker! And I'm lazy. I usually read my posts in my google reader and that's that. Even when a post intrigues me, I never take the extra effort to click on the link. I'm going to start doing that more.
3.) Tying in with #2, I want to comment on my own blog more and answer the lovely people who posts comments here!
4.) I want to be more organized. In my life and on my blog. I want to prioritize!
5.) I want to improve my writing skills. Not implying that I'm ready to write the story of my life or anything, but I would at least like to improve my writing so that my reviews would have a little bit of eloquence to them.
6.) I want to stay in touch more frequently than I have been with my friends, online and off!