The ABC’s of Kissing Boys by Tina Ferraro
Release Date: January 13, 2009
Publisher: Delacorte Press/Random House, Inc.
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 224
Parker Stanhope has played soccer practically since she could walk. And now that she’s a high school junior, everything she’s worked for is finally coming together. She’s paid her dues on the field, and as an upperclassman, she’s a shoo-in for the varsity team. But that’s not what happens.
This year, Coach Hartley moved up every JV player but two—and one of those two was Parker. Now, she’s stuck with the freshmen, her friends are cutting her loose, and her love of the game is seriously beginning to fail. But Parker is determined to get her life back. She has to get on the varsity team, and she has the perfect plan. All she needs now is the right kind of coach.
You know why I love reading Ferraro’s novels..? Because when I’m finished I always feel all warm and gooey inside! While I thought this novel was just too cute and fun it also has some depth. Parker not only loses her spot on the soccer field, but also personally, her spot among her “friends.” Ferraro expertly captures the essence of an ostracized teen! And I’m glad that Parker was able to experience what true friendship meant, even though it wasn’t from the people she wished it had been. What you want is always necessarily what you need, right?
The whole kissing aspect was hilarious and yet ingenious! I find myself wondering where this summer camp was when I was a teen! I don’t think I’m an expert kisser or anything, but I thought I knew a thing or two, until this novel opened my eyes to the wild world of kissing. I didn’t even know what half of these kisses were. Caterpillar kiss, steam kiss... I mean who came up with this stuff! They are no ordinary kisses! I’ll tell you that much.
If your looking for a fun, fast, feel good novel... just think Ferraro!