Alyson Noel is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales. Alyson is the author of YA novels; Cruel Summer, Saving Zoe, Kiss & Blog, Laguna Cove, Art Geeks and Prom Queens and Faking 19. Her recent release is a new paranormal novel entitiled Evermore. For more information on Alyson and her novels, you can visit her website.
How did you come up with the idea for Evermore?
Well, a few years ago I lost three people I loved in five horrible months, and just when the dust began to settle, my husband was diagnosed with leukemia and it felt like my entire world was crashing down. A year later, when he was in full remission, I wrote SAVING ZOE and CRUEL SUMMER, both of which explore the subject of grief and unavoidable change. But when it came time to write my next book, I realized I wasn’t finished exploring those themes though I wanted to do so in a much different way, by giving the story a paranormal twist and pushing the boundaries between life and death, and EVERMORE just came pouring out of me.
What made you decide to write a paranormal book?
I’ve been fascinated by all things paranormal since I was a kid—seriously, CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST was my favorite cartoon—so I’m actually kind of surprised that it took me so long! But I’m glad I got around to it because writing this series has been an absolute blast, allowing me to delve into all sorts of mystical things I’ve always been curious about, all under the guise of “research” of course!

If you had a chance at being immortal, would you? Why or why not?
No thanks! If you’re going to live forever, you need to be really good at saying goodbye since you’re definitely going to outlive everyone you know and love. And since I pretty much suck at goodbyes, I think I’ll just go the usual route, and opt out when it’s time.
What character do you find yourself relating to?
Funnily enough, that would be Ever! Despite the fact that I’m neither sixteen nor psychic, I totally get how she feels in the world—sort of jolted, misplaced—because that’s how I felt when I was a teen, like I never quite fit in any one place.
You currently reside in the "OC", just like your characters, did you integrate any real life experiences into Evermore, based on that?
Definitely! When I wrote the scene where Ever and Damen go to the Shake Shack and order date malts and chocolate/peanut butter shakes, I was determined to get it just right. So I drove up to Crystal Cove and did my own, er, taste test, shall we say. I even took a stroll down to the beach just like they did! (But if you’ve read the scene, trust me, that’s where the similarity ends!)
What kind of research if any did you have to do for Evermore?
Well, aside from the “required eating” above, I also I took a three-day psychic seminar course with world-renowned medium James Van Praagh, and I underwent hypnosis in a past life regression with best selling author, Dr. Brian Weiss—both of which were incredible experiences—unlike anything I expected!

Who or what inspired you to become a writer?
Well, my mom has always been an avid reader, and hooked me on the magic of books at a really young age. But it wasn’t until 6th grade when I finished Judy Blume’s, ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT’S ME, MARGARET, that I knew I wanted to be a writer too. Judy Blume’s books were the first I’d read that I could directly relate too, and they inspired me to do some writing of my own, which mostly consisted of really embarrassing poetry and short stories that thankfully, no one will ever see! But still, you’ve got to start somewhere, right?
How many novels are planned for The Immortal series?
I recently agreed to three more, bringing the series to a total of five! The next book, BLUE MOON, comes out on 08.04.09, and the next three titles will follow in 2010.
Are you working on anything now, if so can you tell us a little bit about it?
I’m fully immersed in UNTITLED BOOK #3—in fact, I’m nearing the end! And all I can say is that Ever and Damen are faced with their biggest conflict yet—but that’s all I can tell you since I’m sworn to secrecy!
Why did you decide to write for young adults?
I wish I could say it was the result of some very focused and serious career planning, but it wasn’t. The truth is I just sort of fell into it. I’d taken a short story I’d written years before and expanded it into a full-length book, which became my debut novel, FAKING 19. But I was so naÔve about the whole publishing process, it wasn’t until I’d gotten an agent and started shopping it that I realized I’d written a YA. I’d always thought of it as a story about a girl who just happened to be a teen, rather than—Hey look, I’ve written a book for teens! But once I started writing my second novel, ART GEEKS AND PROM QUEENS, I realized how much I loved the genre and never looked back! (Well, aside from my adult novel, FLY ME TO THE MOON!)
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? What's the best writing advice you've ever received?
I wish I had something really great and original to stay, but it’s pretty much the same thing you always hear—READ! Because the books you like and the books you don’t like—they all have something to teach you. And then WRITE because the only way to improve your craft is to keep at it as often as you can!
The best advice I ever received was to step away from my work for a few days once it’s complete. Because no matter how perfect you may think it is, a few days (or even better, weeks!) away will reveal all manner of flaws you couldn’t see before. This is a no fail system. It works every time.
Who are some of your favorite YA authors?
Oh, this question always makes me nervous because I have so many faves someone always gets left out! So let me preface this by saying this is merely a random list and in no way definitive!
Okay, so now that I’ve got that disclaimer out of the way I’ll say that I really enjoy Courtney Summers, her debut novel, CRACKED UP TO BE, was amazing! PC and Kristin Cast, Elizabeth Scott, Stephenie Meyer, Libba Bray, Melissa Marr, Elizabeth Scott, Niki Burnham, Kevin Brooks, Meg Cabot, Judy Blume . . . See? I could go on and on here, I can’t possibly name them all!
If you could have a theme song for Evermore, what would it be?
“Edge of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks. I listened to the live version over and over while I was writing EVERMORE. Something about the lyrics, the tempo, just the whole feel of the song really reminded me of Ever! Though for some reason “Fade Into You” by Mazzy Star reminds me of Ever and Damen’s relationship. Maybe because it’s kind of moody and dreamy and has an almost mystical feel!
Thanks for the interview Story Siren!!
Thanks Alyson! If you would like to win a signed copy of Evermore by Alyson Noel, be sure to leave a comment on this post! Winners will be drawn February 19! This contest is open to U.S. residents only!