It seems as though everyone has been sharing their bookshelves, so I thought I would join in on the fun. Honestly, I don't own that many books. Just around a hundred or so, which to some people I guess would seem like a lot, unless you know some of the crazy book people I do (Megan and Alea... just to name a few and their not really crazy crazy, they just like books). I snapped a few quick pics of my bookshelves...

I have two bookcases, right next to each other, so I guess you could say they are one big bookcase, but really it's two little bookcases. My bookcases are in my office, and they are right by my computer, so I'm sitting next to them right now and they are all looking right at me! All those books on top are my review "pile."

You can sort of see my review "pile" a little bit more in this one, I'm just assuming your interested... but your probably not. You can see the copy of Meridian that I'm borrowing from Yan and then that vertical stack in the upper right hand corner, are more review books from my review "pile," but those have been released already.

This is the other half of my bookshelf, or book shelf number two. It was really hard to get a picture of this one, because it is right beside my desk. That is actually the corner of my desk and those are the books I've gotten this week that are sitting on the corner. And yes I have two copies of Eclipse and two copies of Breaking Dawn, although I'm giving one to Carol. That little vertical stack is that other review pile I was talking about and then the very tall vertical stack are books that I'm planning on giving away, have up for trade or something of that sort. And then I also have a tub of ARCs in my closet, but I'm not going to take a pic of that.
Okay, so that's it. I know not very exciting, I did try to warn you.