In My Mailbox explores the contents of my mailbox on a weekly basis. Of course I only mention the really cool things, like books! If you would like to participate and have your own “In My Mailbox” post, you can find more information here.(This post was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.)
How do I get all these books... find the answer here!
This is the biggest book week I've ever had in the history of my blog! I got thirty-five books this week! Yes, you read right 35! I'm still freaking out about it!
So, let me tell you a little story about my mailbox this week.
Earlier in the week I was able to leave early for lunch, slow day, so I headed home. I was only home for around 15 minutes when the doorbell rang! And what did I find on my door step, because it wouldn't fit in my mailbox:
Yes a box! And when I opened it up, I saw this:

At this point, I had resorted to doing my happy dance and squealing like a little school girl. And my squealing continued as I removed the books from the box and discovered just what was inside:

Second Skin (ARC, July 14, 2009) by Jessica Wollman! Did I not just have this on my pine for list! And then here it is! SQUEAL! Very excited to read this one! And Goddess Boot Camp (ARC, June 11, 2009) by Tera Lynn Childs!!! I can't wait to see what is going to happen to Phoebe! For some reason I really like the cover for this one too... and I'm not really that big of a pink fan, but it just works!

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson. I've read this one, hope to have my review posted this week, and yes this is a repeat.. might have a contest for this one. The Plauge (ARC, May 4, 2009) by Joanne Dahme. Really like the cover for this one! Haven't heard to much about it, but I'm looking forward to reading it.

A Map of the Known World (ARC, APril 15, 2009) by Lisa Ann Sandell. Another double, I really want to read this book. I heart this cover! are u 4 real? (ARC, May 14, 2009) by Sara Kadefors. This one sounds very cute!! Reminds me a little of In Your Room by Jordanna Fraiberg, which I loved. SQUEAL!

World's End (ARC, June 9, 2009) by Erica Verrillo. This is the third book in the Phoenix Rising Trilogy. The first novel is Elissa's Quest and then Elissa's Odyssey. It is an MG novel, but they sound really good, I might have to add them to my wish list! Highway to Hell (ARC, March 10, 2009) by Rosemary Clement-Moore. This is the third novel in the Maggie Quinn series. The first book is Prom Dates From Hell and then Hell Week. Another series I might have to pick up!

Fairy Lust which was changed to Fairy Tale (ARC, June 23, 2009) by Cyn Balog. I'm really disappointed with the title change! Beautiful cover. I CANNOT wait to read this one! SQUEAL!! Bones of Faerie (ARC January 27, 2009) by Jannie Lee Simner. Another Faerie book, really want to read this one too!!

Exclusively Chloe (ARC, May 14, 2009) by J.A. Yang. I actually hadn't heard of this one until I got this copy and then this same week, the author emailed me! How ironic is that! It sounds really good though! Being Nikki (ARC, May 5, 2009) by Meg Cabot. The sequel to Airhead! I can't wait to read this one!! DOUBLE SQUEAL!! What will happen to Emerson Watts!?

Sea Change (ARC, June 1, 2009) by Aimee Friedman. Another repeat. Still haven't read this one, but I really want to! I LOVE the cover! Immortal (ARC, August 4, 2009) by Gillian Shields. So very excited to read this one! It sounds really good. Tagline.." first love never dies..." Oh! I can't wait! DOUBLE SQUEAL!

here's how i see it - here's how it is (ARC, April 28, 2009) by Heather Henson. Haven't really heard to much about this one either. Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies (ARC, Febuary 5, 2009) by Erin Dionne. Planning on reading this one for my Debut Author Challenge! Sounds good and I love chocolate cookies!

Coffeehouse Angel (ARC, July 21, 2009) by Suzanne Selfors. I've been trying to got a copy of this! YAY! Sounds good and yum, coffee! SQUEAL! Forget Me Not (ARC, May 1, 2009) by Coleen Paratore. I think this is part of a series, I haven't heard of it, but I have heard of the author. I guess I'll see!

The Diamonds (ARC, April 14, 2009) by Ted Michaels. Sounds like this one is drama filled! I wonder if the final cover will be sparkly... I hope so! A Match Made In High School by Kristin Walker. I'm been wanting a copy of this forever! And and and then... I find out that the release date has been moved back to 2010! *sad face*

Slept Away (ARC, May 26, 2009) by Julie Kraut. This one sounds so good! And I love the cover! Can't wait to read it! SQUEAL!
There were also a few ARCs that I couldn't find covers for Sloane Sisters by Anna Carey, which is a repeat. Touch by Francine Prose and Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson.
All of these books were given to me by my personal book fairy Heather! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Heather insisted I was doing her a favor, but I think you all know what I think about that. I'm still squealing to this day.
I also received some books for review.

Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast (HB, March 10, 2009)
This is the fifth book in the House of Night series. I had mixed feelings about book four, Untamed, but I'm really looking forward to reading this one! I'm hoping some things go down in this book! I wonder if there will be another one? Anyone know? Maybe I should try and find that out!

Sophomore Undercover by Ben Esch (HB, February 24, 2009)
I secretly have a crush on Ben. He is seriously funny. And he looks really hot in blue, dresses especially. Here's the summary on this one:
For fifteen-year-old, adopted Vietnamese orphan Dixie Nguyen, high school is one long string of hard-to-swallow humiliations. He shares a locker with a nudist linebacker, his teachers are incompetent, and he's stuck doing fluff pieces for the school newspaper. But Dixie's luck takes a turn when he stumbles across one of the jocks using drugs in the locker room; not only does he finally have something newsworthy to write, but the chance to strike a blow against his tormentors at the school as well.
However, when his editor insists he drop the story and cover homecoming events instead, Dixie sets off on his own unconventional--and often misguided--investigation. He soon discovers that the scandal extends beyond the football team to something far bigger and more sinister than he ever thought possible. Once he follows the guidelines of his hero, Mel Nichols (journalism professor at Fresno State University and author of the textbook Elementary Journalism) this high school reporter just might save the world. That is, of course, if Dixie can stay out of juvenile hall, the hospital, and new age therapy long enough to piece it all together.

I got another copy of Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell! And also in that same package I received Perpetual Check by Rich Wallace (HB, February 10, 2009)
The cover really turned me off... but the summary sounds pretty good! Shame on me judging a book by it's cover! I wish I knew how to play chess. I do play a mean game of checkers though.

North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley (HB, February 1, 2009)
I'm really excited to read this one!! I've heard nothing but great things about it. And I love the cover... I'm such a cover whore.
"It's hard not to notice Terra Cooper.
She's tall, blond, and has an enviable body. But with one turn of her cheek, all people notice is her unmistakably "flawed" face. Terra secretly plans to leave her stifling small town in the Northwest and escape to an East Coast college, but gets pushed off-course by her controlling father. When an unexpected collision puts Terra directly in Jacob's path, the handsome but quirky Goth boy immediately challenges her assumptions about herself and her life, and she is forced in yet another direction. With her carefully laid plans disrupted, will Terra be able to find her true path?"

Secrets of My Hollywood Life: Paparazzi Princess by Jen Calonita. (HB, March 1, 2009)
This is the fourth book in the Secrets of My Hollywood Life series! I can't wait to read this one! Kaitlin Burke!! YAY! And there is going to be a fifth novel! I'm sure I'll be looking forward to reading that one too!

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. (HB, March 10, 2009)
Okay technically this one is a repeat too, but last time it was the ARC not the finished copy! I just started reading this one! I can't say really how it's going, because I JUST started it. But I know it's going to be great, because I've heard nothing but great things about it. I mean I hope it's going to be great!

Love You, Hate You, Miss You by Elizabeth Scott. (ARC, May 26, 2009)
This one is Elizabeth Scott!! Of course I'm excited to read it! I like the cover for this one too.

Breathing by Cheryl Renee Herbsman. (ARC, April 16, 2009)
YAY! I'm so glad I got this one! CANNOT wait to read it! Debut Author Challenge too!
"Savannah would be happy to spend the summer in her coastal Carolina town working at the library and lying in a hammock reading her beloved romance novels. But then she meets Jackson. Once they lock eyes, she’s convinced he’s the one—her true love, her soul mate, a boy different from all the rest. And at first it looks like Savannah is right. Jackson abides by her mama’s strict rules, and stays by her side during a hospitalization for severe asthma, which Savannah becomes convinced is only improving because Jackson is there. But when he’s called away to help his family—and seems uncertain about returning—Savannah has to learn to breathe on her own, both literally and figuratively."

The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong (ARC, April 28, 2009)
I think I may have started hyperventilating when I opened this one. Honestly, I haven't read the first book, but I have it! So I'm going to read The Summoning and then I'll be able to go right to The Awakening! MUAHAHAHA!

And last but not least. I got a copy of Tith by Holly Black from Sharon of Sharon Loves Books and Cats! Thanks Sharon!
Okay so now you know what's in mine, what did you get in yours? You can sign the Mr. Linky below, if you would, please link your actual post, so that it is easier to find! Thanks!