The Story is About   +  zombie

Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby

Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby

Release Date: March 5, 2009
Publisher: Speak
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 208

Quiet, unpopular, non-cheerleading Mia is blissfully happy. She is dating super hot football god Rob, and he actually likes her and asked her to prom! Enter Samantha—cheerleading goddess and miss popularity— who starts making a move for Rob. With prom in a few days, Mia needs to act fast. So she turns to her best friend, Candice, and decides to do a love spell on Rob. Unfortunately, she ends up inflicting a zombie virus onto her whole class, making herself their leader! At first she is flattered that everyone is treating her like a queen. But then zombie hunter hottie Chase explains they are actually fattening her up, because in a few days, Mia will be the first course in their new diet. She’s sure she and Chase can figure something out, but she suggests that no one wear white to prom, because things could get very messy.

Who would have thought I’d be reading another zombie novel, and a funny one at that! Zombie Queen of Newbury High is a quick and entertaining read. Mia is such a likeable character it’s hard not to relate to her, and her best friend Candice so quirky! She was cracking me up with her hypocondirac obsession!

The plot was ingenious as well, turning your whole school into zombies, classic! And it made for a great story! Ashby kept you guessing, just when I thought I knew something, she’s throw in another loop. It was actually nice to be kept on my toes. I really enjoyed reading Ashby’s novel and I’m looking forward to more!

Zombies, romance, and humor, you can’t ask for a better read.