The YA Connection is a collaborative column collected by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). In it are links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests, author blogs, reviews, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the general awesome of YA. They also do weekly contests accompanying these thingies because that's always fun.
Contests (Compiled by Kristi)
Join Sandra Mitchell in celebrating the release of Shadowed Summer and win some awesome prizes!
Be sure to sign up for Steph's Dust of 100 Dogs contest! Where you can nab $300 worth of prizes!
Yan of Books by Their Cover is still celebrating Chinese New Year and she has a ton of books to give away from some very awesome authors; Angela Morrison, Tina Ferraro, Justina Chen Headley, Lisa YeeJillian Cantor, Eileen Cook, Lisa Ann Sandell, Susan Juby, Suzanne Selfors.
Sharon of Sharon Loves Books and Cats is having a birthday contest!
Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag is giving away a copy of GoldenGirl!
Steph of Steph Su Reads has a you pick contest! Sign up to win your choice of prize from any Feb. release!
Mrs. Magoo Reads had four fab YA novels up for grabs!The lovely Carol of Bookluver Carol's Reviews has an ARC of Something Maybe to give away!
Holly of Writer's Block Reviews is giving away a copy of You Are so Undead to Me by Stacey Jay.
Author Musings (Compiled by Kristi)
I'm happy to report that The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King is finally out.

Alexa Young (Faketastic) shares some good news!
Ally Carter (I'd Tell You That I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You) responds to a specific criticism. Asking the question... what really is plausible?
Amanda Ashby (Zombie Queen of Newbury High) made a trailer for her upcoming blog party! Looks like it's going to be a blast.
Carrie Ryan (The Forest of Hands and Teeth) received a starred review from Publishers Weekly! Congrats Carrie!
Cassandra Claire (City of Glass) is going on tour and she likes robots on her shoes.

Cheryl Herbsman (Breathing) posted about YA hotties!
Claudia Gray (Evernight) wants your contest suggestions to kick off her six week pre-release party!
Diana Peterfruend (Rampant) posted about a very interesting article about censorship from the SLJ.
Jackson Pearce (As You Wish) posted a very hilarious list of what people say when she tells them she writes YA. "" You mean for...young...what?"-That's right, everyone. I write kid porn. Wait..."
Lisa McMann (Fade) posted a 25 things meme about YA hottie Cabel. (A.K.A. Cabe the Babe, that's what I like to call him anyway)

Maggie Stiefvater (Lament) released the cover of Ballad, the second in the series.
Melissa Walker (Violet in Private) posted two cover stories (love 'em) for Evermore and The Dust of 100 Dogs.
Saundra Mitchell (Shadowed Summer) reveals some of the places behind the story of Shadowed Summer.
Justina Chen Headley (North of Beautiful) received a starred review from Booklist! Congrats Justina!
Blogger Blurbs (Compiled by Steph)

Reader Rabbit reviewed Paisley Hanover Acts Out by Cameron Tuttle: "Overall, I found this book to be pretty darn good. Funny and cute, Paisley Hanover Acts Out is a quick read that I'm sure most girls would enjoy. Be sure to pick it up when it comes out in March '09."
Taren of The Chick Manifesto shares how her bookshelves are scarier than yours.
Lenore of Presenting Lenore reviewed Tell Me Who You Are by Jessica Wollman: "This concept had me super excited thinking of all the possibilities. How would your dating life change if knew the name of the person you were destined to marry? Would it help you avoid heartbreak or would you miss out on some great relationships while waiting for “the one” to show up? Would the absence of mystery suck all the roller coaster fun out of dating?
Once I started reading though, I pretty quickly realized that this novel was not set up to explore such questions."
Alea posted an awesome Lookalikes this week! View all Lookalikes here.

Leila of bookshelves of doom reviewed Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr: "I found Fragile Eternity impossible to put down. (Proof: I was so busy madly trying to finish it before work that I didn't have time to post yesterday morning.) I was so happy to get back to Seth and Aislinn's story -- and I was even more happy to get Seth's perspective on their situation. He was so steady and calm and perfect in Wicked Lovely and I loved that version of him, but it was nice to learn that he's not quite as perfect as Aislinn's perspective suggested."
Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane reviewed Evermore by Alyson Noël: "There is so much action in the book, no, but the mystery is there completely. I was wracking my brain to figure it out. I just had no idea about Damen and Drina... But trust me, this book was really good. I couldn't put it down. Alyson Noel created an amazing new world, and after this book I am so curious to see where it heads because honestly, I have no idea."
Amanda of That Teen Can Blog! reviewed Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley: "First of all I could really care less about popularity but Charlotte took it a little too far. Especially after she dies and still tries to get Damen to go out with her. Seriously? You think this is how you're supposed to do to make peace? REALLY?!"
Jenn H of Oops... Wrong Cookie reviewed Untamed by P.C. and Kristin Cast: "This volume has it all: demons, angels, dogs, new cats, nuns, witches, war, blood, redemption, and a new evil for the group to face."
Patti of Oops... Wrong Cookie reviewed Fire by Kristin Cashore: "I don’t want to tell too much, because it would be an absolute travesty to spoil the plot. However, I don’t think it is saying too much to say that Cashore definitely has a writing style. Besides the likeness her heroines share, there are many of the same themes from Graceling revisited in her second novel. Redemption, love, love triangles (or love squares as is the case here), use of power, good versus evil (with plenty of shades of grey to keep it interesting). And all this with a distinctly feminist edge."

Aubrey of My Favorite Author reviewed Vamped by Lucienne Diver: "By the end of VAMPED you love the characters, love the story, and look forward to reading more about Gina and her entourage in the future books in the series. Now, don't freak out on me that it's a series. The story really does end. It just opens itself up for more, but it is satisfying in and of itself."
Rachael of The Book Muncher reviewed Sovay by Celia Rees: "Obviously well researched and well referenced, historical drama Sovay takes readers back to the romantic era of Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. [...] I was so excited to be taken back to the turbulent times during the French Revolution, having enjoyed studying that period. Sovay’s character is so bold and independent in a Robin Hood-esque kind of way that readers are drawn to her spunky attitude and determination. There were some conflicting times when Sovay let her fear show through, but otherwise, I felt the character development to be sufficient."
Natasha of Maw Books reviewed Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult: "As a mother, Plain Truth wasn’t fun to read. We are talking about somebody who smothers a newborn. But I was engrossed and kept turning the pages for more. I was never at a loss for interest. I enjoyed exploring the Amish culture and the questions that she raised about forgiveness, peace, and justice."
Hope's Bookshelf reviewed Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles: "Perfect Chemistry was the first book that I have read by Elkeles, but it definitely made me want to find others to read. It was a quick, fun, but serious book that many will enjoy."