Do you remember that survey I conducted back on Valentines Day? Yeah, apparently I forgot about it too.
The results are in and I thought I'd share some of them with you, because they've actually inspired some of the posts that have been going on lately. For instance the blog tips posts.
100% of the participants where female. Which really surprises me, I thought I'd at least have one or two males representing, but I guess not!
The participants ages ranged from 13-54! WOW!
Favorite feature:
- Reviews
- In My Mailbox
- YA Connection
- Books to Pine For
- Author Tales
- Random
Favorite genre:
- Love/Romance
- Fantasy/Paranormal
- Social Issues
- Historical Fiction
- Mystery
- Action/Adventure
- Horror
- Manga
- Non-Fiction
I also thought I would share and respond to some of the comments that the participants left. Thank you to everyone who took the time to leave a response!
"I absolutely love your blog! The only thing I find is that sometimes it sounds a little business like rather than personal."
I wish this person would have went into further detail. I don't necessarily try not to be "professional" but I know I do try to be "personal."
"I'd like to see a recent comment widget on your blog. I enjoy reading what other readers have read recently on your blog and what they think. I'd like to greater diversity in the kind of books you review including more ya realistic fiction and multicultural lit featured on your blog. I am more interested in learning why you enjoy a book than getting a summary of the book. Tell me why a book is worth reading and what kind of reader would most likely enjoy the book. What I like about your site is the volume of books you cover. It increases the chances I'll discover something new to read or books to share with my readers."
Excellent suggestions! I'll have to look into a recent comment widget. Does anyone know of a good one? I'll have to see if Blogger has one. I actually have a lot of realistic fiction reviews coming up, with Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, Willow by Julia Hoban, Jane in Bloom by Deborah Lytton, and a few others. I guess my reviews depend a lot on what books I get for review, and then when those are going to be released.
"I love a lot of things about the blog and wouldn't really suggest much to change. I guess I'd like to see more random, varied questions in interviews. That's really all I'd suggest."
I am one of the worst people to think up interview q's! If anyone ever has any suggestions please feel free.
"I love In My mailbox and Books to Pine For because it's a good way to find out about new releases."
This is actually one of my main reasons for doing those posts!
"i love everything about your blog -- seriously. I visit every day and I'm always surprised with whatever's posted. I love the Books to Pine For feature, and I would love it if you could do one once a week or once every other week. Your blog is one of my favorites and I visit it every day."
If I couldn't find enough books to pine after to post once a week, believe me I would! I really just threw this one in here because it made me feel warm and tingly inside.
"I honestly can't think of anything at the moment. Well, maybe ease up on the posting a little bit. I might be the only one that feels like this but the amount you post can be a little hard to keep up with."
"I like that you update regularly and post lots of reviews, which lots of book blogs tend to forget about with all the memes etc. I like the author interviews. I think you do a great job!"
One suggestion to ease up and one that likes the regular updates. Personally, I have so much content that I want/need to post that I almost have to do it everyday. I like to give my posts one full day of "air time." So, I'm not really trying to make it hard to keep up with.
"i absolutely LOVE your blog, it's the first blog i ever chose to follow. But all the contests are for US and Canadian citizens only. which suck a bit for me, cause I'm Indian. If the overseas contestants don't mind paying for the shipping, then could you please include us tooooo!!! pretty please!! it totally isn't about the free books, it's more the thrill of winning a book :D especially from The Story. BTW, Loads of love to you Kristi, and everyone of your supporters!"
This one made me feel warm and tingly too, BUT I also wanted to point out that I hear your cries international readers! I'm not doing it to be mean! I just really can't afford the postage! BUT I do have that contest going on right now... go sign up!
"I actually think your book blog is one of the best organized and interesting. It's not hard to navigate and you're probably one of the only blogs I check out outside of my google reader 9 times out of 10. :) Only tip - you could send some of that Book God Love my way. Ha! ;)"
Another feel good one, just had to throw it in there.
"I think you do an awesome job! You're one of my blogging inspirations, so thank you!:) I like when you post blogger advice-that's always helpful to us fellow book bloggers.
I would really like to see a post or two about how your blog got started and/or how to get a book blog on it's feet."
These lovely suggestions inspired the blog tips series! Thank You! Hopefully you found something useful!
"It bugs me when you give some plot points away in the reviews. I've started not reading the reviews of books that I haven't read because I don't want to get spoiled.
Well, I don't see my self as the one to tell you what you should do. I enjoy Story Siren very much. I have recomended it to my friends. I, personally, am very spoiler happy. I would like an area where I can read exactly what happens in the story. I promise you, it won't stop me from reading the book. Actually, I perfer to read books I know the ending of. That's my two cents. I wouls also like to say what a fantastic job you've done here. It's a well disigned, easy to navigate site about books most people don't talk about. Keep up the good work. "
I usually try not to give away plot points, and if I do, I try to make sure that they aren't crucial plot points. I'm sure I'm not 100% spoiler free, but I do try to give warnings when I do.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to complete the survey!