Cheryl Renee Herbsman is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales. Cheryl's debut novel Breathing will be released April 16, 2009. You can find more information on Cheryl and Breathing at her website.
What is your favorite story of first love, and why?
I love all stories about first love, especially when they have happy endings. I’m a total sucker for a good romance. I particularly love Sarah Dessen’s The Truth About Forever. Even though Macy had a boyfriend before Wes, I don’t think it was love, so the relationship with Wes counts. I love the way their relationship develops.
How did you pick your character's names? (I thought it was cute.. Savannah as in Savannah, Georgia and Jackson as in Jackson, Miss. and DOG! That's a riot!)
Whenever I’m choosing a character’s name I spend a lot of time looking through baby name books and searching baby name websites until I see a name that just hits me. I didn’t even realize the connection of Jackson being a city name until that piece of the dialog came up where he tells her his name. Now Dog’s name was a little different. I didn’t find that in any baby name books :) But I just had the image of Mama looking out her window and feeling worried and hopeful about her family’s future and naming him after the beautiful Dogwood that was blooming outside her window.
What's the most interesting comment of fan response that you've received from Breathing?
I have to say the most interesting response for me so far was when The Compulsive Reader made a trailer for Breathing:
That was so exciting, and I just love it!
Are you a full time writer, or do you have a "day job" as well?
I’m a full time writer and a full time mom.
How many hours a day do you write?
I mainly write while my kids are in school. Some days other stuff gets in the way of writing. So it ranges from about two to five hours of real writing time on weekdays.
What sort of hobbies do you enjoy?
I love spending time at the beach, reading, watching movies, hanging out with my kids and husband. Although I can be a scaredy cat about some things, I try to not let that stop me because I love little adventures – once I even tried hang gliding!
Thanks Cheryl for that fantastic interview! Don't forget to check out Breathing! My review will be posted next week!