Tricia Mills is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales. Her debut YA novel, Heartbreak River was released April 16, 2009. See my review, here. You can visit Tricia on her website.
How hard it is to work on a YA novel and Adult novels at the same time?
Actually, I really like to do it, and it's not really that hard. So far, my deadlines have worked out that I haven't had to actually be writing both at the same time. I've been at various stages at the same time -- writing one, researching another, etc. Going back and forth keeps things fresh and exciting.
Why did you decide to try a YA novel?
I have always loved stories set in high school -- books, TV shows, movies. I think all of us carry around a bit of the teenager we once were inside of us. It's one of the most formative times of our lives.
How do you pick your character's names?
I have a list of character names I like that I'm constantly adding too. I hear people's names, note characters on TV or in movies (even in the non-acting credits at the end of the movies), peruse the phone book, etc. Usually, when I create a character, I look at that list and a name pop out as really fitting that character's personality.
What is it about the romance genre that appeals to you?
I love happy endings, plain and simple. I find it depressing to get invested in characters I like only to have them end up without the happy ending I think they deserve. That happens too much in real life. If I want to be depressed, I can watch the news (and that's coming from a journalist!). Plus, whether people like to admit it or not, I think everyone wants their very own happy ending in real life. For some reason, many people like to belittle romance as a genre, and I honestly don't understand that.
Describe Heartbreak River in three words?
emotional, vivid, romantic
Are you planning on writing any more YA novels?
Yes! I've just turned in revisions on my second YA novel, titled Winter Longing. It's set in Alaska and is due out from Razorbill sometime in the summer of 2010. I have tons of other ideas; we just have to see if my editors like them. :)
Thanks Tricia for that great interview!
I hope everyone loves Alex's journey in Heartbreak River. I'd love to hear from readers about what they think. Thanks so much for having me here. Tricia