Cindy Pon is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales. Cindy's debut novel Silver Phoenix was released April 28, 2009. You can check out my review of Silver Phoenix, here. For more information about Cindy and her novel you can visit her website. Silver Phoenix was named one of the top 10 youth fantasy novels of the year by Booklist! CONGRATS Cindy!!
What did you do to celebrate the sale of your first book?
i was stunned right after. it was a week day and i still
had all my mommy things to do like putting the munchkin down
to nap and such. i was in a daze for quite some time.
my husband and i did have a nice dinner in celebration
some time later.
Describe Silver Phoenix in three words.
searching. longing. growing.
All that wonderful food in the novel made me hungry... What are your favorite foods?
wow. i love all kinds of foods! my favorites include taiwanese
food (which brought you the goodness of BOBA and stinky
tofu). there is a lot of deep fried stuff like fish cake and
popcorn chicken. always with rice and small side dishes.
i love the street market food in taipei. it's just to drool for.
depending on my mood, i also love a good burger, pizza,
thai or indian curry, LOVE pastas and breads and ramen
(the instant ones) persian and greek. i love ethnic food with
lots of flavor.
i don't eat sushi, but i like the non-raw sushi rolls and love
terriyaki salmon. pho is also a favorite! i am the anti-atkins
eater. if it's carby, i'm wallowing in it. ha!
Is there a genre that you’d like to write (besides fantasy)?
a historical. fantasy is definitely my first genre love, but historical
must come in a close second. i would love to write a historical
based in china. i'm hoping to write a story inspired by my maternal
grandparents' lives in pre world war II china. i dedicated Silver Phoenix
to them.
Is there a genre you’ll probably stay away from and why?
i doubt i'll ever write science fiction. i know that within speculative
fiction, sci fi and fantasy have close ties. but i've always been
the dragon versus space ship type of reader. i also will never
write erotica. those sex scenes are SO difficult to write. they are
no joke.
Are you working on anything now? Can you tell us anything about it?
yes! i'm working on the sequel to Silver Phoenix which i've lovingly
dubbed the PRE-SEQUEL. as that is what it'll be. or what i'm attempting. =)
usually, the story tells me what it needs to be and i try my best
to do what i can as the writer!
also, i'm working with my editor on a children's picture book which
will feature my chiense brush art. thanks so much for having me
here on the story siren, kristi!
Thanks Cindy for that awesome interview! Did you know besides being an author, Cindy is a very talented artist!