Sarah Quigley is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales! Sarah's debut novel TMI was released April 16, 2009. You can check out my review of TMI, here. To find out more information about Sarah and TMI, you can visit her website.
Did you do anything special to celebrate TMI's sale?
I ate/drank:
- Oatmeal, a usual breakfast choice
- Two chocolate chip scones from my favorite Irish bakery
- Grande premium hot chocolate with whipped cream from Starbucks
- Quesadilla, a usual lunch choice
- Two Krispy Kremes with milk
- Burmese pumpkin pork stew with coconut rice, my favorite take-out dinner
- A martini
- Ice cream
- Two chocolate chip cookies
I went:
- To the playground with the Bean (my daughter, age 15 months)
- To a local independent bookstore, which had TMI face out in the young adult section
I talked to:
- My mom
- My best friend
- My husband
- The Bean
- My sister
- My brother
I felt:
- Happy
- Excited
- A little gross from all the sugar and fat
Do you have any “must haves” with you while you’re writing?
- My husband, so he can look after the Bean
- If husband is unavailable, a napping Bean
- A beverage (nothing fancy—water’s fine)
My “would-likes” are far more elaborate, however:
- A custom-designed ergonomic chair and keyboard stand (I tend to slouch)
- A member of the New York City Ballet on hand to correct my posture (because, even with the chair, I would still slouch)
- A masseuse to take the tension out of my shoulders (which would be lessened by my improved posture but not totally cured because I’m a tense beast by nature)
- A shirtless, chiseled manservant to fetch me snacks, drinks, and whatever else tickles my fancy
- Spontaneous visits from my editor, who would peer over my shoulder as I was writing and whisper, “Brilliant. Just brilliant.” In reverent tones.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of writing?
There are many:
- Rereading something I wrote and laughing out loud at it
- Fixing a scene that wasn’t working
- Getting compliments on my writing (never gets old!)
- Getting published
What's next for you?
Okay, I’m not going to try to be cute and make a list that begins, “1. Shut down computer, 2. Brush teeth, 3. Go to bed…”
I’m working on another YA novel that is loosely based on my experiences waiting tables at a resort in northern Wisconsin. Two dozen college girls + a summer living and working together = drama
Describe TMI in three words.
- Honest
- Funny
- Personal
Please feel free to add anything you'd like readers to know about you!
- I was on the synchronized swimming team in college.
- My favorite vegetable is the mighty beet.
- I have two ex-boyfriends named Ben.
- I have crocheted dozens of doilies.
- Most of them are at my mom’s house. Whenever I screw up, I apologize to her with a new doily.
- I was eight and a half months pregnant when I finished writing TMI.
- Writing a book is more difficult than having a baby, at least in my experience (and I had a drug-free labor and delivery).
- I have a really good memory and sometimes pretend to forget things (like obscure dates and addresses) so that people won’t think I’m a freak.
- I’m rather fond of parentheses (in case you hadn’t noticed).
- If you haven’t read TMI yet, you really should.
Thanks Sarah for that listive interview. Yes, I totally made that would up. It isn't a word is it? Listive! like festive, but with lists!