Myth #4. If you put yourself out there, you’ll make new friends.
The problem with high school is that everyone already knows everyone else. Unless you go to one of those huge schools with like four thousand students. Even then, people will take about two seconds to decide who you are just by how you look. In most cases, everyone has made judgments about everyone else a long time ago. These judgments are pretty much carved in stone. So you’re locked into the image of what everyone else thinks you are. Which seriously blows.
College is monumentally better. When you first get there, no one knows who you are yet. There are zero limitations to prevent you from connecting with potential new friends. You know how sometimes you plan to reinvent yourself over the summer and come back all improved? But it never seems to work out that way? Think of college as the ultimate reinvention opportunity. It’s a chance to become the person you’ve always wanted to be, the person you know you could be if you could just get away from here. Fresh starts are awesome. Yours awaits.
I was also able to ask Susane a couple questions!!
Have you noticed your writer's voice has changed over the years due to your experience?
While I think the essence of my voice has remained the same, I am hopefully improving! I always force myself to read my books several months after they’re published. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is extremely hard for me to read my own books. However, this process is important because after I’ve had time away from what I’ve written, everything I don’t like about my work is glaringly obvious. As a result, I’m more aware of my bad writing habits. Keeping those in mind, it’s easier to identify and change them while I’m working on something new.
Describe your writing in three words.
Searching for connection
If you could trade lives with another author for a day, who would it be and why?
Meg Cabot. What’s it like to have 7,823 emails in your inbox? And so many dedicated readers? That must be freaking awesome! Plus, she lives in Key West, which I absolutely adore. Palm trees and lunches with Judy Blume are fun times.
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