Update for Bloggiesta! I've gotten a few things done on my list, and have done some things that weren't on my original list too! It's been a pretty productive evening, considering I had to work today, so I didn't get to start the challenge until 5.
Write reviews for:
- Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
- Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle
- Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
- Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund
- As You Wish by Jackson Pearce
- Coffeehouse Angel by Suzanne Selfors
- Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
Guests Posts:
- Things I Wish I'd Known as a Teen (For Hope's Bookshelf) = started
- How Awesome James Is (For Book Chic)
- New Reads list
Author listArchives
Work on interviews for:
- Cyn Balog
- Daniel and Dina Nayeri
- Alicia Thompson
Work on posts for:
Update '09 Debut Author Challenge- Monthly Reading Goals
- Rainy Days
Cleaned Google ReaderMade a gravitar- Made a favicon
graded my blog (98.9!)added TSS to blog diretoriesadded Meta Tags- added bookmark button
- Answer questions for Kay Cassidy's You 2.0 blogger interview
- adding requests to YABBD
- answering book related emails
- adding reviews to Amazon
- emailing pubs about reviews posted