In My Mailbox explores the contents of my mailbox on a weekly basis. Of course I only mention the really cool things, like books! If you would like to participate and have your own “In My Mailbox” post, you can find more information here. (This post was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.)
How Do You Get All Those BOOKS!?
I wanted to do a vlog for this, but I've been busy reading for the 48 Hour Book Challenge!
For Review:

Once a Witch by Carolyn McCullough (ARC/Clarion/September 14, 2009)
Tamsin Greene comes from a long line of witches, and she was supposed to be one of the most Talented among them. But Tamsin's magic never showed up. Now seventeen, Tamsin attends boarding school in Manhattan, far from her family. But when a handsome young professor mistakes her for her very Talented sister, Tamsin agrees to find a lost family heirloom for him. The search—and the stranger—will prove to be more sinister than they first appeared, ultimately sending Tamsin on a treasure hunt through time that will unlock the secret of her true identity, unearth the sins of her family, and unleash a power so vengeful that it could destroy them all. This is a spellbinding display of storytelling that will exhilarate, enthrall, and thoroughly enchant.
This one sounds awesome! So glad I got a copy for review!

Ghostgirl & Ghostgirl Homecoming by Tonya Hurley (HB/Little Brown/July 1, 2009)
These are like the coolest books I've ever seen. Presentation wise. I love the cutouts and the silver lined pages. The little chapter graphics, very different. I'm hoping I'll be more impressed with Ghostgirl Homecoming than I was with Ghostgirl. You can see my review of Ghostgirl here.
I also got the coolest thing ever in my mailbox!!! Some of you might know that this last weekend Book Expo America was going on and a lot of blogger got to attend. Unfortunately I wasn't one of them. There was a book that I was dying to get though, (no, it wasn't Catching Fire... I haven't even read The Hunger Games yet, I do own it though) and a fellow blogger was cool enough to get one for me (SIGNED!) and sent me some other goodies as well.

Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater (ARC/Flux/October 2009)
This is the sequel... er rather companion novel to Lament by Maggie Stiefvater was was freaggin awesome. So of course I've been dying to read this one as well, and then when I saw that Maggie was going to be at BEA signing copies of Ballad and Shiver (her other novel about wolves, which I've also read and it's awesome too!) I wished there was some way I could get a copy of my own! So I did a little Tweet magic and Sharon from Sharon Loves Books and Cats answered my call! THANKS SHARON!! And Maggie even remembered how to spell my name which is totally awesome in itself, because my name is often misspelled unintentionally.

So YAY, I got a copy of Ballad! And then super cool Sharon also sent me some BEA swag! A Black is for Nightmares bookmark, which is a graphic novel series by Laurie Faria Stolarz based on the Blue is for Nightmares series. A Catching Fire pin and audio sampler. And a pin that says "I Got Probed at BEA 2009" but I totally didn't! Although it does make me wonder what exactly Sharon was doing there... ? :) (sorry about the wicked flash glare)
Okay so now you know what's in mine, what did you get in yours? You can sign the Mr. Linky below, if you would, please link your actual post, so that it is easier to find! Thanks!