The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan
Release Date: June 2, 2009
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 336
Nick and his brother, Alan, have spent their lives on the run from magic. Their father was murdered, and their mother was driven mad by magicians and the demons who give them power. The magicians are hunting the Ryves family for a charm that Nick's mother stole -- a charm that keeps her alive -- and they want it badly enough to kill again.
Danger draws even closer when a brother and sister come to the Ryves family for help. The boy wears a demon's mark, a sign of death that almost nothing can erase...and when Alan also gets marked by a demon, Nick is desperate to save him. The only way to do that is to kill one of the magicians they have been hiding from for so long.
Ensnared in a deadly game of cat and mouse, Nick starts to suspect that his brother is telling him lie after lie about their past. As the magicians' Circle closes in on their family, Nick uncovers the secret that could destroy them all.
The Demon’s Lexicon was unlike any fantasy novel I have read. It’s a dark fantasy full of corrupt magicians and body inhabiting demons. Brennan also manages to throw a little humor in there as well.
I thought that the beginning of the novel was a little slow, but then the plot picked up and moved along nicely. Once you begin to read it’s impossible not to become completely engrossed in the story.
The characterization in this novel was awesome! Nick’s struggles and emotions just leapt off the page, you can’t help but be drawn to him. And it wasn’t just Nick’s character that really stood out to me, they all did. Despite the few appearances of their mother, I still felt her character was very well portrayed. Brennan did an awesome job! And I especially loved the relationship between Alan and Nick.
This book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The plot twists... totally did not see them coming AT ALL. The foreshadowing is very light, it’s there but you’ve really got to pay attention. Once the big twist is revealed, the story takes on a whole new light.
Can’t wait for the next one!