The Awesome Ladies at The Book Smugglers are hosting Young Adult Appreciation Month. They've been reviewing popular Young Adult fiction titles, featuring YA bloggers, having fantastic contests author interview and insights to bookish professionals!
Be sure to check out their blog for some great content!
Speaking of awesome blogs, don't forget to nominate your favorites blogs for Book Blog Appreciation Week! You can find a nomination form on the website. If you're a blogger be sure to register your site! Non bloggers are of course invited to vote too. BBAW is hosted by the fabulous Amy of My Friend Amy.

There has been some drama going around in the bookish world, if you haven't heard about it, you must be living under a rock! Check out author Justine Larbalestier's post about the cover of her to be released novel Liar. I was actually contacted by PW to quote what I thought of the cover, but they were only interested in hearing from people that had read the book. Which I haven't. I really don't have anything to add to the conversation. Yes, I'm appalled. As a reader, I don't think of myself as being that superficial. I loved the cover, it intrigued me, but to know that the publisher didn't want to represent the true race of the character, because of a predicted loss of book sales, truly saddens me.
I'd also like to mention the Color Me Brown Book Challenge for the month of August hosted by Color Online.