In My Mailbox explores the contents of my mailbox on a weekly basis. Of course I only mention the really cool things, like books! If you would like to participate and have your own “In My Mailbox” post, you can find more information here. (This post was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.)
How Do You Get All Those BOOKS!?
Books mentioned in this vlog:
For Review:
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima
Magic Lessons by Justine Larbalestier
The Earth, My Butt and Other BIG Round Things by Carolyn Mackler
Love is Hell by various authors
Thirsty by M.T. Anderson
Worldweavers by Alma Alexander
Echo by Francesca Lia Block
I Was a Teenage Fairy by Francesca Lia Block
Haunted Waters by Mary Pope Osborne
Invitation Only by Kate Brian
Gothic: The Original Dark Tales by various authors
Fly on the Wall by E. Lockhart
Psyche in a Dress by Francesca Lia Block
Okay so now you know what's in mine, what did you get in yours? You can sign the Mr. Linky below, if you would, please link your actual IMM post, so that it is easier to find! Thanks!