I received an email last night. And honestly I'm surprised I haven't received an email similar to this sooner. It was from a concerned parent. Their daughter recently won a contest from the blog. And they were interested in viewing my privacy policy, but after searching they were unable to find one.
The reason for that is because I don't have one. Honeestly, I never even considered having one, although the possibility of it should have crossed my mind, it never has. I mean, I do in fact deal with a lot of minors on this site, since it is aimed at young adults. So shouldn't I have something?
After receiving this email and discussing a privacy policy with some other bloggers (thanks Laina) I've decided that it would be a good idea for my to have a privacy policy. You can now view my Privacy Policy.
Thank you Mr. Jones for taking active participation in your daughters online activities.
Please feel free to make any suggestions.
Questions to other bloggers:
What are your feelings on a privacy policy?
Do you have any plans to make your own privacy policy?