October 10-16, 2009
The YA Connection is a collaborative column that was originally started by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). Steph is currently on a extended hiatus, so I'm swinging it solo for the time being. In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group.
Author Musings:

Rachel Vincent's My Soul to Save has a new cover. Harlequin Teen is also interested in hearing what you have to say about the cover change. You can cast your vote on Rachel's site, the poll is in the sidebar, or do so at the Harlequin's Paranormal Romance Blog.
Mari Mancusi announced that her vampires series Blood Coven, has a new website! Check it out, The Official Book Website of Blood Coven by Mari Mancusi!
Lisa Schroeder (Far From You) had some interesting questions pertaining to book bloggers on a post she did this week. She also linked a post by Editorial Ass.

Melissa Walker (Lovestruck Summer) has another Cover Stories! This time with author Gena Showalter and her new YA novel, Intertwined. You can also head over to the Readergirlz post about this and win some goodies.
Stephanie Perkins (Anna and the Boy Masterpiece) announced that she now has a website! It's super cute too! StephaniePerkins.com.
Julie Kagawa (The Iron King) finally got an ARC of her own book! And she didn't even have to steal mine. Her birthday was also on Monday... so happy belated birthday!

Jackson Pearce (As You Wish) showed off the awesome cover to Sisters Red and shared the awesomeness of her editor.
Maggie Steifvater (Ballad) had a truly awesome release party this week for Ballad. Wish I could have gone. James went for me though.
Jen Hubbard (The Secret Year) has an excellent post on all that FTC crap.
Check out these awesome author group blogs:
- Author2Author
- MTV Books
- The Novel Girls
- 2009 Debutantes
- 2010: A Book Odyssey
- Books, Boys, Buzz
- Class of 2k9
- Teen Fiction Cafe
- YA Fresh
- The Enchanted Inkpot

The Compulsive Reader reviewed Winter's Child by Cameron Dokey. "...Winter's Child is an enjoyable book that will appeal to younger teens or older ones looking for a nice and sweet escape from every day life."
Sarah of Sarah's Random Musings reviewed Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert. "I was wow-ed by this book."
Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf reviewed Fat Cat by Robin Brande. "I'm not sure how I can describe Cat exactly, but I will say that she was funny, smart, and a fantastic role model for girls everywhere."
Forever Young Adult reviewed Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott. "no matter how hard life is, teenagers always have an oasis known as THE MALL. kate spends a lot of time (whining) in the mall, and it made me nostalgic for the days when my friends and i would get chic-fil-a in the food court, then go to contempo casuals and judy’s and spy on the cute guy who worked at the american cookie company."

Chick Lit Teens reviews The Hollow by Jessica Verday. "The entire time I was reading I felt more like an onlooker than a part of the story, as if there was a peice of glass seperating me from everything else."
Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane reviewed The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy. "It was simply extroadinary!"
Megan of Simply Books reviewed Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. "The book was refreshing and quirky, funny and dark, romantic and action-filled."
Adele of Persnickety Snark reviewed The Ex Games by Jennifer Echols. "Echols is gifted at quick, sparky rapport and this novel is no different."

Yan of Books By Their Cover reviewed Ice by Sarah Beth Durst. " Ice was…odd."
Khy of Frenetic Reader reviewed Liar by Justine Larbalestier. "The unreliable narrator is not exactly a type of narrator I'm familiar with; the only other novels I've read, that I can think of, containing unreliable narrators are ones I read for school (And, because they were for school, I tended to hate them)."

The PAYA blog. PAYA: Bring YA to PA! They are also having an auction! All money raised will be used for PA libraries!! Help out a good cause, if you can!
If you are in or around Austin Texas, you should check out the Austin Teen Book Festival!!
Feel free to fill in your contest info in the Mister Linky.
Please use the Mister Linky as instructed.
Your Name: Put your prize here.
Your URL: Put a DIRECT link to your contest.
Do you want to be included in YAC? Shoot me an email with your blog url. I have a folder in my Google Reader called YAC. Posts are chosen at random. Please use the subject: YAC.
Are you an author that has an event coming up? Let me know and I can mention it on a future post of YAC!
Have a suggestion of something you'd like to see on YAC? Or something you've seen that you'd like me to include every time, let me know.
Thanks! Have a great weekend!