I've read some awesome books lately. It's a little early for my to post reviews of them, but I want to share their awesomeness.

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. This one is coming out on December 1, 2009 from Little Brown Books for Young Readers (although Amazon.com does have it listed as in stock...) This one is a five star book! Yes, it's long, but it's made of awesome. Expect a full review in all it's glory sometime this month.

Captivate by Carrie Jones. The sequel to Need. This one is coming out on January 5, 2010 from Bloomsbury USA. Another book to join the 5 star club. Even more addicting than the first novel. Carrie Jones takes this book in a direction I did not see coming at all. Expect a full review of this gem closer to January.

The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard. This one is hitting the shelves on January 7, 2010 from Viking Juvenile. 5 stars across the board for this one. I actually read this one a while ago after the suggestion from Michelle Zink and Vania. I devoured the thing in one day. It was just wow. I usually don't read books so far away from their release dates, but I'm so glad I did this one... fantastic! Expect a full review closer to January.