This very non spoilery. I don't even really talk about movie elements much. This is just a run down of my night. And how very fangirly I am!
I headed out early to pick up the tickets that I had bought weeks ago. Only to find out that my small town theater had entirely sold out of tickets for ten screens. That is insane.
Last year my sister Chelcea and I went to the midnight showing of Twilight, so it was sort of a tradition to do it again. I liked the movie Twilight, but I wasn't really impressed, with the actors, with the movie itself. I wasn't sure what to expect with New Moon.
My sister Laci and her friend met me and the local neighborhood grill, Applebees. My other sister Chelcea had class until 8 and my friend Carrie who was also meeting us for the movie took a nap before, so it was just us three at dinner.
There were people lined up already when I went to pick the tickets up at seven, but I wasn't too worried since they were showing the movie in every theater, last year for Twilight there was only two theaters showing the movie. Anyhow, we ended up getting to the theater at 8:30, to wait in line. I had brought Uno and The Dark Divine to read while waiting in line. But instead we ended up watching Twilight at 9 o'clock, so we could reserve our seats in the theater for New Moon.
The theater was crazy! CRAZY! There were lines outside with people waiting to get in. They basically let you go from theater to theater to try to find a seat, so glad we decided to get ours early. My friend Carrie finally made it after Twilight was over, I saved her a seat, I'm a good friend like that. Almost forgot to actually! She had to work today, so she got a good nap in before the movie. On to the movie...
WOW! I was totally blown away. I loved it! I thought it accurately represented the book, I mean it's been awhile since I've read New Moon, but I can't think of anything that they left out. There were a few things that might have been a little different, but just worked so much better for the movie.
The actors were 100% better. Especially Taylor, he really stepped it up, it's easy to see why he secured the part of Jacob Black. And Robert and Kristen were exponentially better as well. I loved the Quilete boys! The ENDING! WOW! Total cliffhanger! So GOOD!
I am definitely digging Chris Weitz's style, I wish he would have directed the first movie! I am still in awe this morning. I will be going back to the theater sometime again to see it. If you're on the fence about seeing New Moon because you didn't enjoy Twilight, it's worth it. I can't wait for Eclipse!