Ya Connection Week of November 21-27, 2009
The YA Connection is a accumulation of links from around the YA blogosphere. Here you can find author blog links, review link, a place to share your contests, and miscellaneous new pertaining to young adult literature.
Want to be featured in YAC?
- Are you a blogger? Shoot me an email with your blog url. Do not send individual links to reviews. I have a folder in my Google Reader called YAC. Posts are chosen at random. Please use the subject: YAC.
- Are you an author that has an event coming up/contest/fun news? Let me know and I can mention it on a future post of YAC!
- Have a suggestion of something you'd like to see on YAC? Or something you've seen that you'd like me to include every time, let me know.
Look out for the Stupid Prada Summer Van Tour! Unfortunately non of the stops are close to me... but, would be an awesome author event to attend if you have the chance!
Speaking of author stops, if you're in the Chicago area you should go to the Holidaze with the Debs next weekend! Of course I have a holiday party I must attend next weekend... bah humbug!

Courtney Summers (Some Girls Are) has a new look. I mean her blog has a new look. It's super cute.
Melissa Walker's (Lovestruck Summer, which I finally bought a copy of!) Cover Stories!!! She had author Cynthia Leitich Smith and her novel Eternal. I love the cover for Eternal!
Check out this contest of awesome at The Enchanted Inkpot... 25 books and other goodies up for grabs!
Blogger Blurbs:
Yan of Books By Their Cover reviewed Devoured by Amanda Marrone. "I am sad of how disappointing this book was. I think this is either a love or hate book."
Patty of Yay! Reads reviewed Graceling by Kristin Cashore. "A fantastical adventure with romance that has no comparison."
Steph of Juiciliouss Reviews reviewed Meridian by Amber Kizer. "Meridian was a book I found myself extremely disconnected from. I couldn't relate to any of the characters even though I did find myself enjoy Meridian, the girl."
Chelsea of The Page Flipper reviewed Notes from the Dog by Gary Paulsen. "It has compassion and rawness, and it leaves you with a warm, gooey, inspiring feeling."

Alea of Pop Culture Junkie reviewed Lips Touch by Laini Taylor. "I've read nothing like it before."
Hope of Hope's Bookshelf reviewed Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margie Stohl. "Beautiful Creatures is definitely one of the best, if not the best, book that I've read in 2009 so far."
A Good Addiction reviewed Betrayals by Lil St. Crow. "This installment isn't as fast paced, but it is still gripping and intriguing."
Bookish News:
Join the Big Fat Nerd Journal Tour.
Ever wanted to be a model on a book cover? Well now you can be a face on The Vampire Academy!
Are you joining any challenges this year? I'm hosting the 2010 Debut Author Challenge! Check out this post for more info, and this post to sign up! I'm still looking for debut authors willing to donate prizes!
Released This Week:

- The Seven Rays by Jessica Bendinger
- How to Date a Vampire by Sophie Collins
- Vampire Academy (Signature Edition) by Richelle Mead
Feel free to fill in your contest info in the Mister Linky.
Please use the Mister Linky as instructed.
Your Name: Put your prize here & deadline date!
Your URL: Put a DIRECT link to your contest.