The Author Hunt gives readers a glimpse into the world of Author Events and Signings. With the help of some amazing bloggers, we have gathered Events from all across the US. We hope this will help you in your search for some of your favorite authors. And remember, Wherever they go... we will find them.
If you are a Young Adult author that will be visiting Indiana, Ohio, Michigan or Kentucky in 2010 or aware of events that I may have missed, please contact me.
January/February Events
Heather Brewer website
February 6
Snow Ball Launch Party in Grand Blanc MI, book sales by Barnes & Noble (Flint MI) – book included in ticket purchase, details: http://www.heatherbrewer.com/snowball.php.
YA Book Bloggers: if you live in any of the states not mentioned and want to be a part of The Author Hunt, email me.
For events in other states:
Frenetic Reader - California
The Book Cellar - Wisconsin, Missouri, Minnesota, Iowa, or Illinois
The Neverending Shelf - the Southeast
YA Bliss - Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Oklahoma and Kansas