Books to pine for... a collection of various Young Adult titles that have yet to be released. Books to pine for are found on my aimless wanderings on and Young Adult author websites. Almost all the titles mentioned are not in my possession, but oh... how I wish they were.
to pine (third-person singular simple present pines, present participle pining, simple past and past participle pined)
(intransitive) To long, to yearn so much that it causes suffering. (yep that pretty much sums it up)
My original books to pine for post: Books to Pine For, has a wide range of titles, some have been released since its post date. Ihadn’t intended to make Books to Pine For a regular feature, but I continued to find books that caught my interest, thus, more posts where made: check out all the books to pine for posts!

Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings by Helene Boudreau
I think this is one is a middle grade... could be YA though: "aquaphobic mer-girl trying to balance the drama of two-legged teenage life with her quest to rescue her mermaid mother from really scary mer-dudes" But it's about mermaids! Woohoo! Coming fall 2010 from Sourcebooks.
Fortune by Megan Cole
This one sounds like a guilty pleasure read. It's about a bazillionaire, that had three illigitatmate daughters in three different countries... and since he will be kicking the bucket pretty soon he need to find an heir and decides to pick one of his daughters! If that does not sound like a cat fight, I don't know what does! Coming July 8, 2010 from HarperCollins.

Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
This is book one of the Chronicles of Nick. Which I believe Nick is a character in Kenyon's adult series "Dark Hunters" but I could be wrong... All I know for sure is that the cover is really good and it sounds like an awesome world.. demons, werewolves, vampires, gods, goddesses... sign me up! Hitting shelves June 8, 2010 from St. Martin's Griffin
Trance by Linda Gerber
I loved Linda's Death By series so when I heard she had a new book coming out I was thrilled!! Trance sounds awesome... a girl that goes into an uncontrollable trance before someone dies! Me want! Coming October 14, 2010 from Speak.

Pegasus by Robin McKinley
Is that not the most BEAUTIFUL cover ever! My GOODNESS! The cover alone makes me want to read it! "A gorgeously-written fantasy about the friendship between a princess and her pegasus." Coming November 2, 2010 from Putnam Juvenile.
I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend: A Secret Diary by Cora Harrison
This one is hitting shelves on the UK first, which is how I first found out about it. Gotta love those UK bloggers! But I'm happy to announce it is coming to the US! Apparently the author did a lot of research on Austen and her family to write this book. It's fiction, but based on a lot of non-fiction, so I'm SUPER excited to read this one, LOVE all things Jane! Hitting shelves in the US, October 12, 2010 from Delacorte Books for Young Readers and in the UK, March 2010 from MacMillan!

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
No idea what this one is about... but does it even matter. Rachel and David! (not that I've read a book by either than them... don't hate me Khy... but I've always heard great things about them. lol!) I will read this one! Coming October 12, 2010 from Knopf Books for Young Readers.
Indigo Blues by Danielle Joseph
Not really digging the cover for this one... just something about it. BUT it sounds fantastic, so I am dying to read it. Indigo is a girl that briefly dated Adam Spade the lead singer of a band.. who wrote a song about her... she's over it, he's not? Coming July 1, 2010 from Flux.

Losing Faith by Denise Jaden
Ahhhh... pretty! Dead sister... betrayal... out cast... religious cult. Um yes please. So looking forward to reading this one, just sounds very "not the norm." If the cover doesn't grab your interest then I think the summary will! Coming September 7, 2010 from Simon Pulse!
The Gardener by S. A. Bodeen
I've read Bodeen's The Compound, which was totally twisted, and this sounds even more out there... "experiment intended to render teenagers into autotrophs—genetically engineered, self-sustaining life-forms who don’t need food or water to survive." Twisted! Can't wait to read it! Coming May 25th 2010 from Feiwel & Friends.