(Advance reader copy edition)
Dear Story Siren,
I'm being swallowed by my TBR pile! How do you maintain your reading schedule while getting so many new ones every day in the mail?
What do you do when you start getting tons of ARC's? I had one month recently where I got 56. I asked for none of them. I dont like to not review them but there is no possible way to review all of them by the publication date and now I am further behind with the ones I get each month. Help!
Dear Anon & A
I'm going to answer the two questions from above since they are very similar.
You do the best you can.
I know for me there is no possible way I can read every single book I receive for review. And the sooner that you accept that, the sooner you will start sleeping at night. My TBR pile used to keep me up at night, no kidding.
Read what you can. I do not guarantee a review will be posted. I try to mention every book I receive for review on the site, although it may not be in the form of a review. I get books in the mail, that I don't even know are coming. Sometimes I review them, sometimes I don't.
I hardly request advance readers copies anymore. Are there arcs that I want... hell yes, I could make a list for you right now... but I just can't justify asking for review copies, when my review pile contains so many great titles already. I hate to admit that, I hate that I feel that way, there are so many books that I would love to review, but I just can't get myself to ask regularly. Even though... believe me, I really want to! (but i want to review the books i have even more)
What a reading schedule?! I try to have books read and reviewed so that I can post during their release months. It doesn't always happen that way, but more often than not. How bad is it that a just read and wrote a review for a novel that I received last april... not that, that is something normal for me, because it's not. But hey... it happens. Find a flexible schedule that works for you!
You are not a book reading machine. Don't try to be, you will burn yourself out.
You are not alone,
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I was wondering, do you review every book you receive for review? If not, what do you do with the books you decide to not review?
Dear Me,
No, I do not.
It just depends. I donate a lot of books to my library. Sometimes I give away the books in a contest. The blogosphere is usually bringing my attention to great causes/charities that are in need of books, a lot of them get donated that way. Sometimes I keep them, hoping to read them someday.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I have recently received an ARC of a new book by a very popular YA author. It is my first ARC I have ever been sent and feel that I should show appreciation of that with my review. But I don't want to give it 5 stars just because I am thankful that I got it sent to me early, I also don't to give it a bad review if I don't like it and not get offers to review ARCs anymore. I should point out that I haven't read it yet, but will soon.
Dear A,
This is a little tricky.
I always find the best way is to be honest. Don't sell yourself short and say that you enjoyed something when you didn't. You'll flush your credibility down the toilet before you even get started.
If you don't end up enjoying the book, it is possibly to write a tasteful negative review. You don't have to be mean or sarcastic. Don't make it a personal attack on the author. Simply state the reasons why you didn't enjoy the novel. Hopefully you will be respected for sharing a truthful opinion. Another thing I always try to do when I read a book I didn't really enjoy is find at least one thing that I did like.
Keepin' it real,
Story Siren
I took your advice from tips to bloggers and asked for ARCs. I have started getting them from some companies and now am wondering about the etiquette for holding giveaways for said ARCs. What do you know about this?
Dear Jana,
It's always best to ask the publisher that sent you the arc if they would mind if you held a contest. In my experience most do not mind, but if you are wondering, it may be better to ask.
I know most people don't even ask, it's something I'm sure a lot of people overlook and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's good that you have considered it.
Good Luck,
Story Siren
How do you respond when you decline book review requests?
Dear Anon,
I've been doing this a lot lately. I'm becoming more selective about the books I accept because... well you can read more about that above in the questions regarding tbr piles!
But usually a simple explanation of the truth is a great way to go.
I start off by thanking the person that sent the request, because they used their valuable time and effort to send this to me, it's the least I can do. I nicely decline the request, usually following with the explanation that I'm being more selective about the titles I am accepting at this time, but perhaps they should contact me in the future concerning other titles.
Something along those lines. I always try to reply to a request even if it is to decline, but I don't every time. I should work on that.
Story Siren
When should a review be posted on your blog when it's an arc?
Dear Anon,
In my experience most of the readers of my blogs are actual readers themselves, and not necessarily book sellers or librarians... although I do have some librarians. But since most of my viewers are readers themselves it's better to post the review as close to the review date as possible, or when the book is available, that way if the person likes what they see, they will be able to find it next time they hit up the bookstore or head to the library. I usually forget about titles I hear about months before they come out by the time they hit the shelves.
There is a great post about when to post reviews on Reviewer X
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