Stupid Cupid
by Rhonda Stapleton
Release Date: December 22, 2009
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 272
Source: Publisher
Interest: Debut Author
Challenge: 2010 Debut Author Challenge
Felicity's no ordinary teen matchmaker...she's a cupid!
Felicity Walker believes in true love. That's why she applies for a gig at the matchmaking company Cupid's Hollow. But when Felicity gets the job, she learns that she isn't just a matchmaker...she's a cupid! (There's more than one of them, you know.)
Armed with a hot pink, tricked-out PDA infused with the latest in cupid magic (love arrows shot through email), Felicity works to meet her quota of successful matches. But when she bends the rules of cupidity by matching her best friend Maya with three different boys at once, disaster strikes. Felicity needs to come up with a plan to set it all right, pronto, before she gets fired...and before Maya ends up with her heart split in three.
(summary from Goodreads)
A great start for a series!
If your looking for a story with a lot of depth this isn't the book for you. But if you looking for something light, fluffy and feel good, than Stupid Cupid is right up your alley!
It's entertaining, funny.. lots of laugh-out-loud moments! The plot itself was a little predictable, but it was still interesting enough to keep you turning the pages. From the description, I thought it was going to be more along the lines of Felicity finding out she is related to the "real cupid"...possibly a descendant... but really she just gets hired at a company and gets the title as "cupid."
The characters were fantastic, I really enjoyed Felicity and her friends. They just seemed very realistic, and they were not the stereotypical characters that you'd expect.
Overall, just a fun book! Looking forward to reading the rest of the series and hoping that cupid sends an arrow in Felicity's direction!