The Princess and the Bear
by Mette Ivie Harrison
Release Date: May 1, 2009
Publisher: HarperCollins
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 336
Source: Publisher
Interest: Series
Challenge: None
Other Titles in the Series: The Princess and the Hound
He was once a king, turned into a bear as punishment for his cruel and selfish deeds.
She was a once a princess, now living in the form of a hound.
Wary companions, they are sent—in human form—back to a time when magic went terribly astray. Together they must right the wrongs caused by this devastating power—if only they can find a way to trust each other.
But even as each becomes aware of an ever-growing attraction, the stakes are rising and they must find a way to eliminate this evil force—or risk losing each other forever.
(summary from Goodreads)
Harrison has a very unique story telling ability. One of the things I love about reading so much is being exposed to different writing styles. Harrison has one of the most lyrical and beautiful writing style. The writing itself feels like a fairy tale. Which makes absolutely no sense at all, but I just can't think of how else to describe it. The writing alone is enough to lull you into the story, regardless of what it's actually about.
This is more of a companion novel to The Princess and the Hound, you wouldn't have to necessarily read The Princess and the Hound, but I would recommend it to better understand some of the aspects in the novel. I do prefer the first novel, but I still really enjoyed reading this story.
I didn't quite connect with the characters this time around, this is the type of story where you feel like you are standing on the outside watching the characters instead of experiencing the story with them. Personally, I like experiencing the story with them.
I don't think this is a book for everyone. If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, real fairy tales, not the disney-esque fairy tale, I think you'll enjoy this one.
Overall, it's an endearing story that's beautifully written.