That's right (insert book tittle here), I'm just not that into you...
Occasionally I have a book that I'll try to read, but I'll find for whatever reason that I just can't make myself see it to the end. I'll use this title in future posts to feature those books that I did not finish.

Cashing In by Susan Colebank
(November 2009/Dutton)
This one is about a girl who's mom wins the lottery and then she's instantly popular, or something along those lines.
I didn't make it into this one very far, I can't remember the exact page number. In the future I'll be sure to make a note on that. The reason that I couldn't finish this one was because of the MC, Reggie.
From page one I could tell that the girl was going to get on my nerves. She had no backbone what-so-ever and I could tell I wasn't going to enjoy seeing her mom/siblings/cousin use her for the duration of the novel.

Fairest of them All by Jan Blazanin
(April 2009/MTV Books)
This one is about a girl named, Oribella Bettencourt. There was some significance to her name, but I can't remember what it was now. It's about Oribella, she's a model/actress/beauty pageant queen, who starts loosing her hair.
I had another issue with the MC of this one as well. Actually it was probably more her mom that drove me crazy. I made it fairly far into this one, but nothing grabbed me enough to keep reading. Either way they were both rude and full of themselves, not something that I liked reading about.

Never Slow Dance with a Zombie
by E. Van Lowe (August 2009/Tor Teen)
This one is about Margot and her best friend, who are the only ones not turned into zombies at her school. Oh and the principal too. The parents of the zombie kids are obviously to dumb to notice their teenagers have turned into zombies.
The plot for this story was just too much for me. It was ridiculous and completely over the top. I'm assuming the author was trying to go for some sort of extreme satire, but it just didn't work. When I wasn't rolling my eyes, I was shaking my head.
The characters were stereotypical and shallow as well.

The Fetch
by Laura Whitcomb (February 2009/Houghton Mifflin)
I picked this one up because it was advertised as a supernatural romance... it was not. This is a take on the Russian Revolution and the story of Anastasia.
It was beautifully written...spectacularly written even, unfortunately that was all it had going for it. The plot was painfully slow moving. And I kept waiting for the love story that never happened. I made it almost half way though this story, but I couldn't make myself finish it. Nothing grabbed me.