Random Blog-ish Questions
Dear Story Siren,
some of my friends like to think of me as a library. They keep assuming that they can just borrow books from me and that this would be no problem at all. In fact, to me, it is a problem though. Nothing against my friends but my books are very special to me and I don't really want to give them away because then I don't have them around to look at them adoringly standing in my shelf. On the other hand, I don't want to be a sucky friend.
What should I do? Do your friends ever want to borrow your books? Do you let them? Telling my friends to go to a real library is not really an option because we don't have libraries with English books around.
Please help with some advice.
Dear Anonymous,
I think you just need to tell your friends how you feel. I'm sure if you told them to be extra careful they would be. If you don't think they are going to take care of them the way you would, I don't think you should feel bad about telling them that they can't borrow them. I don't usually loan my books out to people either, but I've never really had anyone ask if they could borrow one.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I have had my blog for quite awhile now and have racked up a good amount of followers. Of course being a book reviewer like this means that I don't get paid. I love reviewing books but it does take out a chunk of my time as a non-working student. I am starting to feel the constraint of money since I am off to university soon and it is vital that I start earning some sort of income.
I want to turn to my blog where I could have a paypal donation button up and those who would like to donate can (I won't be running around asking people for money of course). And I will put aside a certain percentage of donation that will go to book-related things (giveaways, etc) so my readers can benefit. But what I fear is that the moment I put that donation button up, people would think less of me although I have been in the blogoverse for awhile now as a YA book reviewer. Should I?
(And yes, I am looking for a job right now)
-Constrained Book Reviewer Veteran
Dear Constrained Book Reviewer Veteran,
I totally understand where you are coming from on being low on funds! Are you planning on using the donation button as funds to buy books... or to use as a supplemental income? I'm not sure if I am understanding your question fully. Personally I don't think a donate button is something that you want to use as a source of income. Perhaps google ads or an affiliate program would be better suited for your needs.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I was contacted by another blogger asking if I would like to donate books/swag for a contest they are putting together on their blog. The person is a new blogger to me so am reluctant to donate anything. This is the first time that another blogger has contacted me about something like this so I would like to know how would you handle these types of requests?
Thanks, D
Dear D,
If you are reclucant to do it, than don't. I've received several requests like this in the course of having my blog, sometimes I'm able to donate and do, and sometimes I'm not able to, or just don't want to... so I don't. You have no obligation to donate, so don't feel like you have to.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I have been blogging for a while now. I do it for my love of reading and to spread the word about awesome books and authors, and ARC's of course are a nice bonus. I have been over 400 followers for a while now, and I am on not on any ARC lists. I won't stop blogging because of it since I enjoy doing it, but I just found out someone with a little over 70 followers has already found themselves on numerous publishers lists for ARC's. Am I doing something wrong, or am I bad blogger? Everyone tells me I have great reviews, did I miss something?
Obviously being a book blogger isn't about receiving ARC's and I will continue to do it even if I reach 3000 followers and don't ever receive books from publishers, but when someone with much less experience reviewing books than me gets treated as a more credible reviewer I feel my confidence in my reviews takes a big hit.
Thanks for your help,
An Anon Book Lover
Dear An Anon Book Lover,
Every blog is different. My advice is not to compare your blog to anyone else's. There tons of blogs out there that are far better than mine, maybe they have fewer followers maybe they have more... there isn't any apparent rhyme or reason to it.
Your blog is what you make of it. Do the best that you can do, that's all anyone can ask for.
If you want to be on a publishing list, email a publisher. With 400 followers I'd say that you have something to offer them in the means of publicity. That's probably what this person of 70 followers did. Personally I never would have contacted an author or publisher with only 70 followers but people do it all the time, if the publisher decides to send them books they must have a reason. Why not try it out yourself? If you are uncomfortable contacting someone, then waiting for them to contact you is always an option. There is no guarantee that will happen, but it's an option.
Something I think a lot of bloggers need to realize is that blogging isn't a competition. It's not a race to get the most arcs or to have the most readers or blogging friends. Where all trying to do the same thing (well I hope we are) and that is to share a love of reading with others... and maybe promote some books along the way. Who cares that so and so got this arc... yeah it might suck when it's one that you really wanted and didn't get, but think of all the wonderful books you have gotten to read, look at the arcs that you do have on your shelf, some people will never have that luxury! And don't think that I am immune to feeling this way, because I'm not, I still occasionally get the dreaded book envy! But honestly, I am so happy to get the books that I do, and worry about reading those, it's not worth my time to be worrying about the ones i didn't get.
I know it's discouraging to look at this other blog, but don't dwell on it. I'm sure you have a wonderful blog, focus on that! I think everyone feels that way one time or another.
Life's a garden, dig it...
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I recently bought a book from a local author and he was kind enough to sign it. The only problem is that he signed with my name on it. If I like the book and deem it contest worthy in the future should I white-out my name so it just has his signature on it? Or since it already has my name on it should I just let it be and keep it for myself?
Dear Anon,
Did you buy the book with the intention of giving it away? Usually when I go to all the trouble of getting a book signed it's because I'm planning on keeping it. I'm not one to give away a book that an author has signed for me either, but that is a personal preference. I know other bloggers that don't have a problem doing that. I don't think I would white it out... if you are having a contest, you could just let the entrants know that it was signed to you.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
where do you store all your books? Do you have a seperate room for them? I always see that beautiful, black shelf in the background of your IMM video posts but you get so many books each week, they can't all fit in there, or can they? Some photos would be sweet :)
Thankyou and take care,
Infinite Playlist
Dear Infinite Playlist,
Most of my books are in plastic storage containers in various closets in my house... lol. I wish I had a bookshelf big enough to keep them all out, but I have a pretty small house. Perhaps someday I will have a house with a room devoted to my books. The bookshelves that I usually site in front of for my IMM are actually really small... I'm sitting on the floor when I do the vlogs, so they look taller than they really are.
Drowning in books,
Story Siren
Hey Kristi!
I was wondering, do you have any tips on being noticed into getting into the Amazon Vine Program?
Dear Marie,
I have no idea how the Amazon Vine Program works as far as their requirements for an invitation. I'm not even sure Amazon knows what their requirements for the program are... if I had to guess I would say post some reviews there, buy some books from the site...? Who knows if that will work though.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
What are good stats for Google Analytics?
Dear Anon,
Who knows...? I don't think there is a definite definition of a 'good' stat. There are too many factors that can go into a blog besides the number of unique hits or daily visitors, that make it a 'good' blog. I think focusing on having a quality, interesting content and an active blog are more important that worrying about your numbers. Although, I think it's good to have stat information available for the people that want to know.
Number Hater,
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I only average about 20 unique hits per day, is it worthwhile for me to contact a publisher and ask for a book to review? Or would they 'laugh me off' so to speak, because of my stats?
Dear Anon,
Measuring worthy stats is something that is hard to do. Honestly I'm not even sure what 'good' stats are. I think having quality content and an active blog are some of the most important stats. (As I said above.) You never know if you don't ask. If you think you have something to offer than why not try it. The worst that can happen is they say no. Then you're basically right back where you started, nothing lost.
Story Siren
Check out other general questions from real readers on other "Dear Story Siren" posts:
Dear Story Siren (1) (Contacting Author for interviews)
Dear Story Siren (2) (Asking for ARCs International/US)
Dear Story Siren (3) (Hours spend blogging, personal and Navigation bar questions)
Dear Story Siren (4) (Advance Reader Copies/Reviews questions)
Dear Story Siren (5) (Blogging 101 Volume 1)
Dear Story Siren (6) (Author Interviews Edition II)
Dear Story Siren (7) (Publisher Interaction/Asking for ARCs
Dear Story Siren (8) (The Personal Edition)
Dear Story Siren (9) (Followers Edition)
Dear Story Siren (10) (Contest/Vlogs/Blogger Tricks)
Dear Story Siren (11) (Review Edition II)
If you have a question... blog related, personal, book related... submit it below to be featured on a future post of "Dear Story Siren" If you've already submitted a question and it hasn't been answered, don't fret! I will try to answer every question, so I may not have gotten to it or it may have already been asked before. That being said you can always check a previous post to see if your question has been answered already. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE COMMENTS IN THE BOX BELOW. The form below is to submit a question for the "Dear Story Siren" posts, not to leave a comment. Feel free to leave a comment in the "comments section"
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