Day three was the first day of BEA!!
We had alarm clock woes for some reason during our duration at NYC... I had set my alarm the night before for 5:30 so we would all three have time to shower and get our things around... yeah, so it might be a good idea to turn your phone off of vibrate if you want it to wake you up in the morning. Thankfully even though I was exhausted, I still have a fairly good internal alarm clock, so I was up by 6:15 and woke Cat and Erica up as well.
We did a little dance and dash and we all ended up getting ready and getting our stuff around and at the bus stop for the 7:00 shuttle! Woot!
We arrived at Javits and parted ways. Erica went to get in line for the exhibits and Cat and I headed to the special events area to the 'Children's Author Breakfast'! The line was HUMONGOUS! The breakfast got started a little bit late because of the line... Cat and I opted for breakfast even though I'd heard from other people to forgo the breakfast and seat in the 'stadium' seating. I was glad that we did get the breakfast even though it was only bagels and muffins, with our mad dash that morning in the hotel we didn't grab any breakfast. There were also books from the four authors at the breakfast on our seats for us! My first books of BEA!
The speakers were fantastic. Cory Doctorow... made me cry. Mitali's speech was so touching, and Richard Pecks was hilarious. The Duchess of York was sort of the moderator... I guess... a lot of people were surprised that she even showed up because apparently her big scandal had just hit the presses the day before. Here is a just a brief look at the speakers:
Cat and I left the breakfast a little early, because we had some signing we wanted to hit at 9:30. I was headed for Beth Fantaskey's signing of Jekel Loves Hyde
Carol, Me, Erica & Nicole!
After that it was a whirlwind...
I meet so many bloggers throughout the day! And so many authors I had emailed, publicists I had emailed, it was fantastic.
One of the first bloggers I ran into that I hadn't already met was Nicole of Word for for Teens, she was in front of me in Beth's line! She's such a fantastic girl, I was so excited to meet her in person. Luckily her mom suggested a picture because I was overwhelemed with everything and completely forgot that I had a camera! I didn't take near as many pictures as I wanted to. Erica is in the picture, plus Carol from Book-Lover Carol!

Me & Khy!
After I got my book signed by Beth, I headed over to Linda Lael Miller's line because my mom loves her books, so I just had to get her a signed copy! I had some time to kill after that, so I decided to hit up the exhibits. While leaving the autograph area I ran into Khy of Frenetic Reader! So excited to FINALLY meet KHY!! I was by myself most of the day, it's easier for me to approach someone if I don't have a million people with me. I was walking through the Harper Collins booth when Elyse, one of the publicists there, grabbed me and loaded me up with some e-books! The Ivy
, Ascendant
and Paranormalcy
Gena Showalter
I had a fairly good experience with most of the exhibitors there, there were a few pubs that made me feel a little snubbed, but overall it was a good experience. I was lucky enough to be walking by right as MacMillan was putting out copies of Halo
by Alexandra Adornetto and Hold Me Closer Necromancer
by Lish McBride. That was my one and only time I lucked out getting an arc. I was a little apprehensive going up and introducing myself, something that I felt a little more comfortable doing the next day. By the time I made a few passes in the booths, I headed over to get in line for the Harlequin Teen Paranormal hour!
Rachel Vincent
The line was a little crazy, I was near the front but as soon as they gave the okay, instead of staying in the line and moving along the table so everyone could visit each author, everyone just surged forward... it was INSANITY! I had hoped to meet each author, but I was one of the lucky ones and at least got to meet four out of the six authors. Gena Showalter (Intertwined
), Maria V. Snyder (Inside Out
), Rachel Vincent (My Soul to Keep
) and Artist Arthur (Manifest
). Nicole's mom had handed me a copy of Matched that they had gotten extra, and I had it in my hands when I saw Rachel and she mentioned that she wanted a copy, so I ended up giving it to her, since I already had one at home. Is it stupid that I was excited to give her a book... lol.
Maria V. Snyder
After I made it out of the madness I ran over to the Flux booth to see Simone Elkeles. I thought she was going to be signing ARCs of her novel Return to Paradise, but she was actually signing copies of Leaving Paradise. I was hoping to score an ARC of Return to Paradise while I was there, but I didn't have very much luck, so I ran back to the autograph area to see Maryrose Wood and get a signed copy of The Poison Diaries
I really really really wanted to make it to see Heather Brewer as well, I ran out of Maryrose's line and made it to Heather's just as they were putting the chain up to block the line... talk about disappointing.
Richelle Mead, Andrea Creme, Ivy Devlin & Holly Black
Somewhere in between I also made it over to one of the YA panels. This one featured Richelle Mead, Andrea Cremer, Ivy Devlin and Holly Black. I caught the tail end of it before I was headed out to get in line for another signing. I heard someone call my name as I was leaving and it ended up being Rebecca Maizel, author of Infinite Days! It was great to meet her, since I'm so very excited to read her book!
Next on my agenda was Delirium by Lauren Oliver. It was a book that I really wanted. I ended up getting in line and meeting Erica there an hour early. We were already about seventh or eighth in line when we showed up, and the line got long fast. I was glad I made it there early. Although right before the signing started a group of at least ten bloggers butted in front of everyone in line, and I'm not exaggerating the number. This happened a lot, and it was very disrespectful to the people that had been waiting there for an hour. I don't mind if you are saving a place in line for one or two of your friends, but for ten people. I don't think so. Especially if the line is insanely long, that is so extremely rude in my opinion... and I was also very embarrassed because it was other YA bloggers... Unfortunately this happened in almost every line I was in. Since there ended up being more people in front of me than I anticipated I didn't make it to some of the signings I was hoping to. I ended up missing Zombie's and Unicorns and Spirit Bound... the lines for these two were INSANE.
Diana Peterfreund
I did however manage to get a signed copy of Torment
by Lauren Kate and Ascendant
by Diana Peterfreund. I made two out of the four I wanted to do, not too bad if I say so myself.
I ended up missing Inara Scott's signing of The Candidates, because I had it going for another half hour... but I ended up running under the chain and getting to meet her briefly just as she was heading behind the curtain! I know... I'm a rebel. What can I say.
After that I hit up the line for Radiant Shadows
by Melissa Marr & The Dark Divine
by Bree Despain.
Around four o'clock the lines got really low, so I was able to hit up a lot of signing one right after another. It was fantastic! WOOHOO! I snagged The Duff
signed by Kody Keplinger. And it was so nice to finally meet her! And Another Pan
, Daniel Nayeri was there to sign them and he showed me his awesome pink converse and he drew a little picture in my book too. And lastly they still had the line for Cecily Von Ziegesar open, even though it was officially supposed to be done with, so I hopped on over there and was able to get a signed copy of Cum Laude
Such awesome books and people and it was only day one!!
I then headed over to the FedEx and sent most of my books home, and caught the shuttle back to the hotel room to meet Erica & Cat so we could head over to the Book Blogger Celebration hosted by Harper Collins.
I got back into the hotel room and freshened up and then we headed over to the Algonquin hotel! There were a few people when we arrived, but they kept trickling in and it was a huge mass of bloggers! Cat, Erica and I were dying from a thirst for some reason, and we sucked down our water in record time and were afraid to brave the crowd to get more. Although I was so near death that I finally went down and got us some more.
Reagan, Me & Cat
I met so many bloggers there! I was initially a little worried about going, because I'm a very antisocial and introverted person... and on top of that I'm a bit on the shy side. So all I really wanted to do was go cower in the corner. But I made myself get out of my chair and go talk to people and even though I suck at small talk, people actually talked to me and didn't run screaming in the opposite direction! I finally met Reagan of Miss Remmers' Reviews! She is so cute! We had been at the same events to two days before and had yet to 'run into each other' so I'm glad we finally did! Thankfully she had the good sense to snap a picture, why do I always forget I have a camera!
Cat and I headed back to the hotel because we were exhausted and Erica joined some other bloggers for dinner after. I wanted to try and be in bed before midnight since Erica and I were getting up early so we could hopefully snag one the limited 300 copies of Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare!
Books got on BEA Day One:
- Manifest by Artist Arthur (arc)
- Another Pan by Daniel Nayeri (arc)
- Delerium by Lauren Oliver (arc)
- Ascendant by Diana Peterfreund (arc)
- Torment by Lauren Kate (arc)
- The Poison Diaries by Maryrose Wood (arc)
- The Duff by Kody Keplinger (arc)
- My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent
- The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
- Jekel Loves Hyde by Beth Fantaskey
- Intertwined by Gena Showalter
- Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
Advance Reader Copy:
- Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride
- Three Quarter's Dead by Richard Peck
- Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
- The Ivy by
- Ascendant by Diana Peterfreund
- Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Finished Copies:
- Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins
- For the Win by Cory Doctorow
- Cum Laude by Cecily Von Ziegesar
Read: Day One or Day Two