Harlequin Teen is looking for teens girls to join the Harlequin Teen Panel. They want your feedback about what you like to read... what your reading... and what you think about free books. Plus what kind of movies, music, clothes... all that good stuff, that you like too!
Here's the official information:
How to Join: We are looking for girls from age 13 to 17 who live in the USA and who love to read young adult fiction books. We do need your parent’s consent—it’s a legal thing. Visit HarlequinTeenPanel.com to find out more about the Harlequin Teen Panel and how to join.
What do you do as a member? You’ll be contacted at least once a month via email with a survey or discussion about books and other topics. You should also know that we created our panel for market research only, which means I’m not going to sell you anything--ever--I’m only interested in getting your honest opinions.
Here’s what some of the members of the Harlequin Teen Panel have to say:
“I love to read; this is a great way to read books before they come out or even influence them” – Harlequin Teen Panelist
“So far I love being one of your members. The books are great and I have been sharing with my friends. They would also love to join.” – Harlequin Teen Panelist
Are you interested? Visit HarlequinTeenPanel.com/blog to join now!
A great place to be heard!