Kiss It
by Erin Downing
Release Date: June 15, 2010
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 273
Source: Author
Challenge: None
Interest: Summary
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A girl's gotta do who a girl's gotta do.
Chastity Bryan has never been shy about going after what she wants. And when sexy, mysterious, so-not-from-this-town Sebastian walks into Chaz's life, she knows in an instant that what she wants next is him. Chaz has no intention of playing for keeps—but she most definitely has intentions. Who needs true love when you've got true lust?
Sebastian has no idea what he's in for—but maybe neither does Chaz?.
Loved this book, so fun and so much more than what the summary implies. Chaz was a fantastic character, I wish I would have had the confidence and intelligence that she has in high school. And although she might seem a little flaky on the outside, she has hidden depths that you don't discover until later on in the story.
Despite the fluffy exterior of this novel, Downing tackles some serious issues and she does it tactfully and full of grace. If you can make it past Chaz's tell it how it is attitude and sexual innuendoes in the first few chapters... (which I found to be personally hilarious) you are in for a brilliant read!
I loved Chaz's best friend Sadie, she was Chaz's complete opposite and I think that is why their friendship worked so well. I love seeing strong positive friendships in young adult literature. And Chaz's relationship with her parents... or her non exsistant relationship was something that I'm glad Downing touched on as well. I know as a teen I always assumed my parents just didn't get it, but looking back at it now, oh... they totally got it. Just don't tell them I said that.
Chaz's journey with sex was... interesting, to say the least. I found her initial idea about sex amusing. I never knew many girls that just wanted to have sex for the sake of doing it. The girls I knew were more like Sadie, the ones that wanted a relationship and then possibly something more intimate later on. That being said, I enjoyed watching Chaz's opinions evolve... and can I just say that the scene in her bedroom where she 'checks her email' you'll know what I'm talking about if you read it... that was hilarious and good for you Chaz! (yes, I know she is a fictional characters, but I was so proud of her for sticking to her guns!)
Overall, this book is awesome. It's about so much more than sex, or having sex for the sake of having sex. It's a story about discovery, about how our decisions effect everyone around us and the power of love.
So good.