Today, Linger by Maggie Stiefvater hits the shelves! It's the much anticipated sequel to the (wonderfully wolfy) novel Shiver.

In Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past . . . and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabel, who already lost her brother to the wolves . . . and is nonetheless drawn to Cole.
At turns harrowing and euphoric, Linger is a spellbinding love story that explores both sides of love—the light and the dark, the warm and the cold—in a way you will never forget.
I am DYING to read this book DYING!!! (Thank goodness I can get a copy today!) To celebrate the release of Linger I'm hosting a fantastic party on Twitter with Maggie Stiefvater! There is an iPod touch up for grabs, plus some gift cards & artwork created by Maggie! It is the party to be at folks! And you can party right from your couch! All you need is a twitter account! You can sign up for one of those at
Here's all the official details:

Join Linger author Maggie Stievfater and Kristi of The Story for a Twitter party Thursday, July 22, between 8:00 and 9:30 p.m. EST!
- Be sure to follow Maggie @mstiefvater and Kristi @thestorysiren before the party!
- Join the fun! No one expects you or your tweets to be perfect; we’re just happy you made it to the party!
- Anyone who tweets during the party using #Linger is entered to win a limited edition Linger tank top!
- Watch for questions from @thestorysiren and win awesome prizes including an iPod Touch, Maggie’s artwork and gift cards!
- To join the party, you can use our official party tweetgrid or just search #Linger on Twitter.
- Ask Maggie questions or chat with other partygoers—just use the tag #Linger in all of your party tweets! (This is added automatically in TweetGrid.)
- Please don’t post any spoilers and don’t forget to pay attention to the time zones, the party starts at 8:30pm EST.
Please feel free to spread the word! Hope to see YOU there!