Zachary (Shade
by Jeri Smith Ready)
There are two potential crush worthy boys in Shade... but I think that I'm going to have to go with the cutie with the accent. I mean... can you really go wrong with an accent? I don't think so. Plus, the guys is sweet as cherry pie and charming to boot! Well deserving as a literary crush.

Ash (The Iron King
by Julie Kagawa)
You'll have to fight over this guy with a few other bloggers (Erica & Gail, just to name a few) But I totally have dibs on Ash... I mean he showed up on my doorstep first... :P I once had to defend my Team Ash- ness (at Gail's blog) for the Ash vs. Puck debate... and this is what I had to say:
Julie describes Ash as dark, brooding, cold and dangerous. If that doesn't give you goose bumps I don't know what will! Why is Ash so fantastic... because he is the bad boy with the heart of gold, even if it is layered under that icy exterior. He's mysterious and fiercely loyal, why would you want that guy on your side? Not to mention he's delectable! I just want to eat the guy up and I can totally get away with saying that for once without coming off as a creepy pedophile because he is thousands of years old! Team Ash all the way.
Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

Derek (Darkest Powers Series
by Kelly Armstrong)
So Derek...what can I say about him... I think that he had one of the worst character descriptions ever. That didn't come out right... the author did an awesome job describing him, it just wasn't the usual... perfectly bronzed skin and piercing blue eyes. You know the type of description that would make a girl swoon. Instead it was
"The guy standing behind me had to be six feet tall, with shoulders as wide as the door. Though the was as big as an adult, he'd never be mistaken for one. His Face could be used as the "before" picture for an acne cram. Dark hair hung in his eyes, lanky and dull."
Not exactly the typical picture of a hottie... but as we all know you can't judge a book by it's cover. I loved Derek more through every passing book! Loyal, unselfish... not to mention he is one of my favorite supernatural creatures... um yes please!

Sonny (Wondrous Strange
Series by Lesley Livingston)
Sonny is a bad ass... I mean he is like on Auberon's Janus Guard... which mean he keeps Unseelie fey butt! Like I said bad-ass! He's a human changeling... which means the good king had him stolen from his mommy dearest, poor guy! He just needs the love of a good girl... in comes Kelley! Sonny is crush-worthy simply because he is a cute and he kicks butt! Plus, there is a lot more under the surface with that guy... as you will discover as the series continues... let's just say he is more than meets the eye! Can't wait to see what happens in Tempestuous!!

Dimitri (Vampire Academy
Series by Richelle Mead)
Do I even need to give an explanation for this crush? Although I will admit I've been firmly on Team Dimitri since the start of the series and now after the latest book... I am a tiny bit Team Adrian... I can't help it, don't judge me! Like several of the other crushes on this list... Dimitri is a bad-ass. What can I say... I like a good bad-ass. He is insanely stubborn, fierce and thoughtful. This guy doesn't run into the race guns blazing... his every move is carefully articulated and well planned. And when he's impulsive... which rarely happens... it's a whole lotta fun! Dying to see what happens to my dear Dimitri!

John (Going to Far
by Jennifer Echols)
This could easily be Doug from Forget You by Jennifer Echols too, but I've been giving Forget You so much love lately, I think Going to Far was getting a little jealous and I just love that novel too, so there ya go. First of John is a police officer... you cannot go wrong with a guy in a uniform! And he's a super sweet guy with a deep dark secret... we must get to the bottom of this! Love a mysterious guy!

Alex (Perfect Chemistry
by Simone Elkeles)
Alex... oh what to say about Alex. I thought I was going to hate him when I started reading Perfect Chemistry. A gang member... um no thanks with a capital NO. But then you find out why he joined the gang, and how he really don't want to be in it, and how he takes care of his family... and he really is a good guy. And then watching him fall in love with Brittany and how he just loves the crap out of her... oh la la, bona-fied hottie. Plus the new book trailer for Rules of Attraction, has "Alex" in it... and he is one cutey! And I got to meet the fictional Alex at BEA... and he is cute! Lol.

Damon (Vampire Diaries
by L.J. Smith)
Damon is like the ultimate bad boy. I mean the guy is bad. He kills people and often enjoys it... or so it seems. He likes to torment his brother... if that doesn't scream asshole I don't know what does. But there is definitely something more to this Salvatore brother, I think under all that icy exterior he has a little hint of good. Plus he is fiercely loyal to those people/vampires that he actually cares about... or the ones he pretends he doesn't care about, but does. I've had a Damon crush since I first read the novels in elem. school... I think Damon set the bar for me... lol... and probably why I always dressed up like a vampire for Halloween. And if you watch the television show... wowzers, that is even more reason to be on Team Damon because Ian Somerhalder... is smoldering! I think I prefer the television show to the book...?

Peeta (The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins)
See... you don't have to be a bad-ass to make this list. There is a huge debate about Peeta vs. Gale... and for some reason I find myself on Team Peeta. I guess I love that he's had a crush on Katniss forever, but never really had the guts to tell her. Something about that just pulls my heartstrings! Not to mention that he is sweet and intelligent, and just because he can't kick ass... he can bake! lol. Hey a girl needs to eat too. He's crush-worthy because he's always there for Katniss even when she treats him like crap. Some people think it's because he's meek, but it's because he's loyal. I just love a guy with a strong sense of loyalty. Team Peet, ftw!

James (Ballad
by Maggie Stiefvater)
I love love love James! And not just because I want to wrap him in a cocoon of love and happiness after that hoochie Dee lead him on for years! (jk about the hoochie part... :P) James is crush-worthy because he is insanely intelligent... he is CUTE and he is the biggest smart ass! I love a good dose of sarcasm! James just has this distinct voice... you can't help but love him! I need more James!
Runner Ups:
Balthazar (The Evernight Series by Claudia Gray)
North (Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken)
Rhode (Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel)
Christopher (Airhead series by Meg Cabot)
Todd (Soul Screams series by Rachel Vincent)
Shane (Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine)
okay okay... i DO love Jace... so I'll add him to the runners up:
Jace (The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare)
(Not to mention I LOVE Will (The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare)
and I'm just going to stop right there...
Who's your literary crush?