Welcome to In My Mailbox! You can find out how to participate and the "official" details on the IMM page.
IMM is a meme I started here at The Story with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.
The idea behind IMM was not only to put new books on your radar but to also encourage blogger interaction. IMM explores the weekly contents of my mailbox & books bought. And sometimes other fun goodies.
Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to only sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library.
The Unidentified by Rae Mariz (Amazon
Banished by Sophie Littlefield (Amazon
Delirium by Lauren Oliver (Amazon
Across the Universe
by Beth Revis (Amazon
The Mythology Bible
by Sarah Bartlett (Amazon
The Complete Fairy Tales and Stories by Hans Christen Anderson (Goodreads)
If you'd like to share your IMM posts, please be sure to sign the link list below!
For example:
Name: The Story
URL: http://www.google.com/in-my-mailbox-1000