It seems like forever ago... but on September 23, I headed down to Dayton to attend the Smart Chicks Kick It tour at Books & Co.
The line up was awesome!
- Melissa Marr
- Kelley Amrstorng
- Alyson Noel
- Jackson Pearce
- Kami Garcia
- Margaret Stohl
- Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I stopped by Books & Co. to check out where the event would be held. Unfortunately I started a little drama when I saw a sign that had a little info about the event. It stated that for every one book you brought from home you could have one book signed. I was BUMMED! Even though I had planned on buying books at the event (You should always support the stores if you can!) I knew that I wouldn't be able to buy one book for every book I had brought with me.
I tweeted about my disappointment... and one of the authors saw it.. they contacted the book store and worked everything out, and I was able to get all of my books signed! But I was a little embarrassed that I had whined about it initially... oops.
Anyway, the EVENT!
I knew from getting to the store earlier in the day that they would be handing out line tickets an hour before the event. Susan showed up from her bazillion hour drive a few hours before, so we grabbed a quick bite, ran to Staples for sharpies, you can never have too many sharpies and headed to Books & Co.
There was a line already formed when we got there! I had bought a few books on my trip earlier but Susan needed to buy some so we went hunting and I ended up buying another book... then we got our line tickets and headed up to where everything would be happening.
We took some seats in the very back and chatted with some other bookish people. I'm not sure the kind of vibe I give off, but people do not hesitate to come up and talk to me! Usually I would shy away from that sort of thing, since I'm not outgoing at all, but start talking with me about books and I won't shut up.
Kristina McBride (who goes by Kristi) author of The Tension of Opposites
, also met up with Susan and I. She is AWESOME. I love her. We also discovered that we just may be twins. She was such a fantastic person to talk to! And she told me about a book she was working on, which sounds fabulous, and she gave me some writing tips too.
(Kami tried to recruit me as the official photographer of the night... but I am the worst person to take pictures but luckily Susan is awesome at being the official photographer, so I recruited her to take my place! So most of these pictures in this post are ones that she took!)
The authors did a little presentation... they had some trivia and gave away some EPIC prizes... it was a blast! There weren't as many people as I was expecting, but then again it was a weekday and I think that definitely had something to do with the turnout. Susan, other Kristi and I stayed until the very end chatting with the authors and snapping some pictures with them. When the signing event was over they did a stock signing... it was insane when they started wheeling out carts full of books!
I loved these authors before, but after this event I must say I adore them even more.
Just being surrounded by people who are as crazy about reading as much as you are is such a high!
After it was all over Susan, other Kristi and I headed across the street to the Cheesecake Factory, Jackson Pearce ended up joining us too. She is a riot! I'm thrilled to have finally met her! Not to mention that was my first trip to the Cheesecake Factory and I will kill for their cheesecake! I had the red velvet ones... WOW!
Thanks so much to the authors for such an AWESOME event! It was an experience I will never forget!!
Alyson & Me
Me & Jackson
Me and Jennifer
Kami, Me & Margie
Me, Kristi & Susan
Melissa, Me & Kelley
I have a signed paperback of Beautiful Creatures, a signed paperback copy of As You Wish, and an arc of Beautiful Darkness for one lucky winner!!
Official Contest information:
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- entrants must be 13 years of age or older
- contest deadline is November 1, 2010
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