Welcome to the eleventh month of the 2010 Debut Author Challenge!
This post is where you can add your review link(s) for the month of November!
If you are looking for more information pertaining to guidelines of posting your links, you can read the Guidelines for Posting Debut Challenge Reviews.
All of the official challenge information can be found here: 2010 Debut Challenge Information
You can sign up for the challenge here: Sign Up for the 2010 Debut Challenge
Prize pack information: (prize packs are subject to change. Anything added after the original post date will be highlighted in red!)
This months prize pack includes:

Add your review links for November to the Mister Linky below. (This does not mean that the book has to have a November release date, it simply means that you read and reviewed the novel this month) Remember to put in your direct post url, not your blog url!
Also note that not all partcipants are from the US. This means some novels will be debuts for some countries and not others. Do not use the titles on the Mister Linky list as a reference.
International readers (non US residents) you have the option of reading US books and using those release dates, as well as using international release dates. Those in the US, I ask that you only use US release dates as most novels are readily available in the US.
Please note: ONLY young adult and middle grade titles will be accepted for the challenge.
DEBUT = authors FIRST YA/MG novel released in 2010!
This is NOT the place to sign up for the challenge!
Remember this is the 2010 Debut Author Challenge, DO NOT list your 2011 debuts! They will be deleted and will not count!
Sign the Mister Linky as the example shows below.
Your Name: The Secret Year (The Story)
Your URL: http://www.google.com/2010/01/2010-the-secret-year.html
Good Luck!!