Last week... on Halloween I headed down to the Irvington Halloween Festival. Mostly so I could meet authors Christine Johnson (Claire de Lune) & Saundra Mitchell (Shadowed Summer)
Irvington is actually part of Indianapolis... which is just over a two hour drive for me. My mom made the trek down with me. I actually have a funny story that happened on the way down. My mom need to stop to use the restroom... so I took the next exit... all the gas stations looked like they were closed, but there were car's parked outside, it was very strange. So I'd pull up to one, it would look deserted, so I'd go up to the next one. Finally I noticed that the traffic light at the intersection was out... and that the gas stations weren't deserted, they didn't have power! Of course the next exit was another ten miles... my poor mom. Ha!
We made it to Irvington and after driving around for an half an hour trying to find a place to park (we thought maybe they'd have paid parking at the school or church or something... that would be a no) we found a spot on the side of the road.
We had breakfast at this very cute restaurant called Dufour's, the staff was dressed up in their costumes! I had a belguim waffle, that was delcious! My sister was already in Indy visiting her friend, so they met us at the restaurant.
After we ate, we talked around the town. There were vendors and cute little shops. If you watched my IMM vlog last week, I showed off some of the goodies I bought there. They had some vendors from the INDIEana Handicraft exchange... very cute stuff! made by local artists! I could have spent a few hours in that tent! We had some coffee from the Lazy Daze Cafe... yum! There was a Starbucks there too... but almost everyone had cups from the Lazy Daze! (Yay to supporting local businesses!)
Not only was most of the town dressed up in costumes... but there were dogs EVERYWHERE! And lots of them were dressed up too! Around lunch time we headed to this little bakery... which I can't remember the name of for the life of me... Something about a roll... or a bun. ANYWAY... once I was inside and smelled the food, I just had to eat something because it smelled delicious! My mom and I got bowls of this shrimp gumbo... oh it was so good. And my mom had a chicken salad sandwich and of course they make it fresh and bake the bread, yum. I wish we had places like that around here.
Soon after that it was time for the signing, so we walked down to Bookmama's a used bookstore. It was actually hiding in the bookstore and had to build the courage to go outside and introduce myself to Christine... but she was so sweet! And very cute in her costume! Saundra showed up a few minutes later and it was so nice to finally meet her after she'd contacted me to review her book over a year and a half ago! Here are some pictures my mom snapped: