I have a problem... do you? If you find yourself nodding your head to any of these statements, you might suffer from Book Addiction. Don't worry you are not alone.
You might be a book addict if:
- You buy your purses based on how many books you can fit inside.
- The Fed Ex and UPS carriers, know you by name.
- Your family refuses to buy you books because they don't want to support your habit.
- You own multiple versions of the same book.
- You dream about books. (Getting them... meeting the authors that write them.)
- You always have at least one book on you at all times. Even if it's just a quick trip to the dollar store.
- You usually help shoppers at the bookstore, because you are more knowledgeable than the staff.
- You've been known to skip family functions or outings with friends because you can't stop reading.
- There are books in every room of your house.
- If you are within five miles of a bookstore, you find yourself drawn to it like a homing device from the mothership.