Basically "Books to Pine For" are books not yet released, that I can't wait to get my hands on (or books I've recently gotten my hands on... but are still pine-worthy)!
If this is your first visit to the blog, I do "Books to Pine For" sporadically, it's a regular feature but it doesn't have a set date I post every month or what not.
You can check out all the books to pine for posts, they start chronologically from the most recent. In case you want to check out some earlier ones I've done. Okay I've rambled enough on to the goods!
Just a note.. all the links in the titles go to their Goodreads page... easier to add to your wish list!

The Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
♦October 1, 2011 ♦HarperTeen
Why it's pine worthy: A move to Ireland!?!? And a mysterious boy. Yes.
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
♦September 1, 2011 ♦HarperCollins
Why it's pine worthy: Princessess... kinds... prophecies! Awesome.

The Sharp Time by Mary O'Connell
♦November 8, 2011 ♦Delacorte
Why it's pine worthy: Contemporary... YA debut!
The Implosion of Aggie Winchester by Lara Zielin
♦Lara Zielin ♦Putnam
Why it's pine worthy: Loved the writing in Lara's first novel, can't wait to read this one!

Melody Burning by Whitley Strieber
♦December 6, 2011 ♦Henry Holt
Why it's pine worthy: Thrilling YA debut!
Enthralled by various authors
♦September 1, 32011 ♦HarperCollins
Why it's pine worthy: Two words: Paranormal Anthology!

Just Your Average Princess by Kristina Springer
♦October 11, 2011 ♦Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Why it's pine worthy: Kristina's books are funny and cute... and feel good. As this one looks it will be as well!
Never Eighteen by Megan Bostic
♦January 16, 2012 ♦Graphia
Why it's pine worthy: A 2011 debut that was pushed back to 2012, this one has been on my list for a while!

Unforsaken by Sophie Littlefield
♦October 11, 2011 ♦Delacorte
Why it's pine worthy: Companion novel to Banished, which I've heard great things about! (need to read it myself!)
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
♦October 18, 2011 ♦Little Brown
Why it's pine worthy: Love this series!

Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
♦September 13, 2011 ♦Delacorte
Why it's pine worthy: Loved Stacey's zombie series... can't wait to see what she's done here!
You Have Seven Messages by Stewart Lewis
♦September 13, 2011 ♦Delacorte
Why it's pine worthy: Sounds wicked... finding your dead mother's cell phone... secrets... creepy.

Isle of Night by Veronica Wolff
♦September 6, 2011 ♦NAL
Why it's pine worthy: Vvvvvampires! Yes I am still riding that train.
The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson
♦August 30, 2011 ♦Henry Holt
Why it's pine worthy: LOVED the first book, one of my all time favorites. Can't wait to read this one, although I wished they would have matched this cover to the original hardcover... :P

Going Underground by Susan Vaught
♦September 13, 2011 ♦Bloomsbury
Why it's pine worthy: Contemporary that sounds very different!
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin
♦September 27, 2011♦ Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Why it's pine worthy: Chocolate and coffee are illegal...!!?!? Say What?

Circle of Fire by Michelle Zink
♦August 3, 2011 ♦Little Brown
Why it's pine worthy: Such an awesome series!
Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett
♦Septmeber 19, 2011 ♦Harcourt
Why it's pine worthy: Greek Mythology!

Every You, Every Me by David Levithan
♦September 13, 2011 ♦Knopf
Why it's pine worthy: This one sounds very out of the box. I love it.
Misfit by Jon Skovron
♦August 1, 2011 ♦Amulet
Why it's pine worthy: How freaggin' awesome does this book sound! I need it!