And yes this is me again getting all crazy with the Google Docs (I mean didn't she just do one of these yesterday, the girl needs to get a grip.)
Anyway, to the topic at hand.
Several months ago on a "Dear Story Siren" post, a reader mentioned if I wished I had not limited myself be reading and reviewing YA books. The answer was, no. I LOVE YA books with a passion. Even if I didn't blog about them, I would still be reading them. I mean I was reading them long before I was blogging... but anyway, this reader also mentioned my love or romance and if I ever wished I could review those too. Well one thing lead to another and I got an email from fellow blogger and my totally awesome friend John, who blogs at Dreaming In Books, that he had seen said post and he had a crazy idea that we should start a romance blog!
I know what you are thinking. I am crazy. As if I don't have enough books to read, as if I don't already feel overwhelmed by my reading pile... and here I think I need to do another blog!? Really, Kristi, really!?!
And believe me I've thought about this. It was actually supposed to kick off in January but I needed to get some crap figured out and addressed before I took on any more projects (thus the "I need help" post yesterday!) It's not something I'm going to take on hardcore like TSS. I'm not going to be posting there everyday! Maybe not even every week. It's not going to interfere with my current reading pile. Believe it or not I currently read non-YA romance novels amidst all the YA titles. (I actually just read Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward this week!) I have to get my "sexy" fix! But I'm sure we'll be featuring some YA romance over at Books 'n' Bodices as well. So I'm hoping it will all work out better than expected.
But here is where you come in. John and I would like to take on a couple more people for our group blog. We're looking for YA readers who also love reading Romance! Is that you? Would you be willing to do three or four romance reviews a month? (Schedule is still in speculation at this point.) If you think you might be interested please fill out the form below. We'll be accepting submissions until April 15, 2011.