One of the things that I get asked the most, when it comes to questions about blogging (well the second most asked thing after, how do I get arcs?) is "how do you get visitors?"
In my one of my Book Blog Tips, I talk about networking. And networking is a great way to get some traffic to your blog, but there is more to it than that. I was doing something that I didn't even realize at the time. I was marketing my blog.
Marketing? Me? I had no prior knowledge, I'm not even sure I qualify to give advice about it now. I don't have any formal training or a degree in this area. Along the way though, I've learned a few lessons about marketing... and I'm sure I'll learn a few more. I'm not going to mention any one specific thing that I think you should do because really at the end of the day, there is no one best thing. There isn't one magical marketing tool that works for everyone. So i'm going going to touch on some concepts that have worked out well for me. Here are some of my lessons learned so far... or my top ten marketing tips for bloggers:
1. Marketing is everything.
Your logo, your social media accounts, your looks, the colors of your blog, your blog name - all of these create an imagine... and impression. Every little aspect of what we do on our blogs on our social media accounts relates to marketing. This is why it's a good idea to plan all these aspects.
I for one know first hand how Twitter can be a valuable marketing tool and a marketing downfall. I know I've lost readers because of some of the things I've said. I often suffer from verbal diarrhea and things spew uncontrollably from my mouth, especially when I'm in an emotional state. It would probably be a good idea for me to have a plan before I tweet. Like for instance, when I'm in an emotional state... turn off the computer. Confide in a fellow blogger or friend. Write a letter get it out, crumple it up and throw it away.
2. Learn from other blogs that aren't related to literature.
It's easy to find inspiration within the blogging community, why not try stepping out of the box and see what is happening elsewhere? Use that inspiration to spice up your own blog! Fashion blogs, scrapbooking blogs, food blogs, travel blogs... the possibilities are endless.
3. Get advice from an "expert".
Don't be afraid to seek out information. ProBlogger is a great resource to use. It's not specifically aimed at book bloggers but some of their advice can be easily manipulated to work for a book blog. Ask your fellow bloggers and learn from them!
4. Be aware of what bloggers around you are doing, but don't worry about it. Instead worry about what you do.
5. Build a honest relationship with your readership.
You blog readers should be able to trust you. They come to you because they value your opinion, and you owe them that much.
6. Your marketing should reflect you and what you're about!
If you hate recording videos... don't sign up for a YouTube page!
7. Step away from being a blogger and look through the eyes of a blog reader.
While you should blog the way that you find works best for you, don't forget your readers. Try to give them something that they might want every once in a while, instead of always doing what you want.
8. Don'e be afraid to be different.
Celebrate your differences! They are what sets you apart from everyone else, embrace that!
9. Make sure you dedicate time to marketing if you want it to work.
Don't expect things to happen overnight, because they rarely do.
10. Remember that for you to succeed, others don't have to fail.
Blogging IS NOT a competition.