Sometime early this morning, or late last night, The Story received its MILLIONTH visitor! Please excuse me while I die!! Okay, I'm back.
Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!
It's very surreal to think that this blog has been looked at one million times. I mean seriously, I can't wrap my head around it! And of course it's all because of you awesome readers! So whether you've stopped by one time or a thousand times, you've helped me reach this million mile-mark and I can't thank you enough!
I wish that I could giveaway something more epic than this, but I'm hoping you won't be too disappointed with what I have planned.
I have six advance reader copies:
Dreamland Social Club by Tara Alterbrando
Brother/Sister by Sean Olin
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle
Ten Things We Did by Sarah Mlynowski
Blood Red Road by Moria Young
For ONE Lucky Winner!
Official Contest information:
- to enter, please fill out the FORM HERE!
- entrants must be 13 years of age or older
- contest deadline is May 6, 2011
- contest open to Everyone*
- check out my Contest Policy/Privacy Policy