Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles
Release Date: August 16, 2011
Publisher: Walker Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
Interest: Series
Other Titles in the Series: Perfect Chemistry & Rules of Attraction
Challenge: None
Buy the Book: Amazon
Luis Fuentes has always been sheltered from the gang violence that nearly destroyed his brothers’ lives. But that didn’t stop him from taking risks—whether he’s scaling a mountain in the Rockies or dreaming of a future as an astronaut, Luis can’t stop looking for the next thrill.
Nikki Cruz lives her life by three rules—boys lie to get their way, don’t trust a boy who says “I love you,” and never date a boy from the south side of Fairfield. Her parents may be from Mexico, but as a doctor’s daughter, she has more in common with her north-side neighbors than the Latino Blood at her school. Then she meets Luis at Alex’s wedding, and suddenly, she’s tempted to break all her rules.
Getting Nikki to take a chance on a southsider is Luis’s biggest challenge, until he finds himself targeted by Chuy Soto, the new head of the Latino Blood. When Chuy reveals a disturbing secret about Luis’s family, the youngest Fuentes finds himself questioning everything he’s ever believed to be true. Will his feelings for Nikki be enough to stop Luis from entering a dark and violent world and permanently living on the edge?
Ahhhhh... the Fuentes brothers... as sexy and dangerous as they are alluring. I'm sad to see their stories come to an end. I will miss them. If you have not read this series... all I have to say is WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!?!
Luis was the brother that you didn't really see much in the first two books, he was there and made a few small appearances but he wasn't what I was expecting. Luis had always been described as the "smart" brother... so I thought maybe, just maybe he might learn from his brother's mistakes... not so much.
Luis was a lot more cocky and full of himself, and although that usually turns me away, he had a good heart underneath it all, so you couldn't help but love him. And poor Nikki, she had been through so much she shouldn't have had to deal with at fifteen that you can't help but want to wrap her in a protective cocoon... (and she is a dog lover so that's like one million times infinity cool points for Nikki.) You will love these two characters! It was difficult to watch Luis and his internal struggle to stay uninvolved with the gang, though it doesn't work out for him exactly as he hoped. Old habits and friendships are hard to break.
Their were hints and clues to (and and almost confession if I'm remembering right... it's been a while since I've read the other books) a "secret" involving Luis. It didn't exactly come out how I was hoping... but it plays nicely into the story... did not expect it!
This is just a great series, that I've thoroughly enjoyed reading. I've loved them all!
On a side note you should stop by Simone's website and watch the book trailers too! They are so fun!