I'm participating again in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Basically every Tuesday the peeps over at The Broke and the Bookish post their top ten lists on various topics. They even have a special Top Ten Tuesday page where they have previous topics and upcoming topics discussed as well.
This week's topic is a freebie list...
And it got me to thinking... You know those books, that you get so excited for and you just CAN'T wait to read them, some of them you even pre-order and then months later they are still sitting unread on your bookshelf? I'm guilty are you? So, today I want to recognize those books!
Here's my top ten list of My Top Ten Books of 2011 (that I want to read, but haven't.)
(in no particular order.)

1. City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
Oh goodness I was DYING for this one... forever! And it's still on my shelf unread. In my defense I have started the audio book... although I've been doing the audiobook things for months too.. I just need to sit down and finish this one.
2. A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford
I've heard awesome things about this one... I've been to an author signing for Leah even! And I still have not read this book! What is my problem!
3. Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
Craziness... I've been to two authors signings for this one. I even went to the launch party and I have still not read the book. I've heard great things about it, loved the except that Courtney read at the launch and for some reason it is still in by TBR.
4. Inconvenient by Margie Gelbwasser
I've been meaning to read this book for months. It's one that I always think about while I'm in the middle of another book... like, oh yeah I want to read that one, and then by the time I finish the book I was in the middle of, I've forgotten about this one. It reminds me of A Blue So Dark... I waited forever to read that one too (which I ended up loving!)

5. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Hello... why have I not read this one. And the horrible thing is I have like three copies of this book. I have a signed UK edition that a fellow blogger picked up for me. And I LOVED Lauren's debut novel... and she talked about this book at her signing for Before I Fall, and I remember thinking "oh wow, that's going to be awesome." Still haven't read it... fail.
6. Raised By Wolves & Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I know that technically only one of these came out in 2011... but I really need to read this series, stat. Even people that don't like paranormal... which I LOVE, love this book. Why I have not read it, I do not know. I even had arcs of these. Pathetic!
7. Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
I LOVED the first book in this series... was dying for the next one. I even ordered a signed copy of this one, and was anticipating it's arrival so I could dig into it. Yep... it's still sitting on my shelf waiting to be dug into.
8. Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard
Another book I was just dying to read. This one is a 2011 debut and I've heard nothing but great things about it. I would really like to have this one read before I start Wanderlust, just so I can get a feel for the author.

9. In the Arms of Stone Angels by Jordan Dane
This one just sounds really good... and it seems like something that I would devour and I have a copy... that has just been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to read it. Any day now... any day.
10. Mercy by Rebecca Lim
This is a start to the series... and new series about angels.. with romance. Um yeah.. I need to read this now. I think I might even have the ebook... that might possibly be expiring in three days... maybe I should get on that.
Have you read any of these... do I need to move any of them up in my TBR pile, as soon as possible? My goal is to have all of these read by the end of the year... wish me luck!