Betrayed: A House of Night Novel by P.C. & Kristin Cast
Betrayed is the second book in the House of Night series, following Marked. I liked Betrayed more than I liked Marked. I think some of it had to do with Marked having to introduce the characters and establish relationships. Betrayed had so much more of a story, I was sucked right in!
Zoey Redbird is a fledgling vampyre. She attends the House of Night school, which is really a finishing school for vampyres. She is now the leader of the Dark Daughters, if you read the first book, you will understand how that all happened. She has four friends that are inseparable. Stevie Rae is her roommate and her best friend. Then there are the "twins" Shaunee and Erin, and Damien.
In Betrayed Zoey is finally becoming comfortable with her new life of being a vampyre. She has four awesome friends, and she even has a boyfriend. Eric Night, who of course is the hottest guy at House of Night. Her nemesis Aphrodite is no longer a problem now that Zoey and her mentor Neferet have put her in her place.
Things don’t stay so simple for long. The news reports a missing teenager, which happens to be someone that Zoey knows from her old school. After the reports that two teenagers have died, two teenagers that Zoey knew she can’t help shake this bad feeling that continues to linger. Zoey sees where all the clues are leading too, but she can’t seem to believe what she must. Then when her boyfriend Heath, well her human boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, is taken Zoey has to overcome her hesitation and realize the betrayal and save Heath’s life.
I was truly shocked at the ending of the book, and I was disappointed as well. There aren’t many people that Zoey can turn to and I hate that she had to lose more than one in this book. Also, the ending is a total cliffhanger!! I am so glad I have a copy of Chosen, the next book in the House of Night series, on the way! If you have read Marked and liked it, you will love Betrayed. Personally I liked Marked, but I just thought it was okay, Betrayed on the other hand blew it out of the water. I would definitely recommend reading it!
Plus if you want to check out more about the series. You can hit P.C.'s Website or you can chek out The House of Night website.